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Dreams about Unknown Family Islamic Interpretations Explanation

what was your dream about.. Islamic dreams about Unknown Family find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Unknown Family dictionary!   Unknown Family dream interpretations   Family Dream Explanation — (See Dependents)

Family support Dream Explanation — (Alimony; Maintenance) To provide support for one’s family and relatives in a dream mean prosperity, protection for one’s children and concern for one’s posterity. Whatever expenses one spends to support his family in a dream will be money he will receive in wakefulness. If one finds himself unwillingly giving family support or alimony to his wife in a dream, it means hypocrisy, or that he is nearing his death.

Seeing an Unknown person Dream Explanation — An unknown person represents an enemy if he is young. But if he is old, it suggest the observer’s good fortune and success in whatever he is pursuing currently.

Unknown Greenery Dream Explanation — The growing of any unknown greenery in a place where it does not normally grow such as a house or masjid, suggest that a man will come along either to seek in marriage the hand of his daughter or to establish a business partnership.

An Unknown House Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself in a house whose foundation, location and occupants are not known to him, it symbolizes his abode in the Hereafter every feature of such a house-eg. Narrowness, spaciousness, ugliness, beauty – is an identical replica of his abode in the Hereafter. Subsequently, this is a reflection of his deeds and actions in the world.

An Unknown Garden Dream Explanation — It stands for Jannah. Entering and touring such a garden suggest that the observer will attain Jannah by way of making greater progress in matters of Deen.

An Unknown Horse Dream Explanation — Seeing an unfamiliar horse which he does not own nor mounts means that he is a man of good repute and high honour. If he sees such a horse entering his neighbourhood or house it means a powerful and honourable person will make his appearance in that neighbourhood or house. If he sees such a horse leaving such a neghbourhood or house it means a man with same qualities mentioned above will leave the neighbourhood or house either by way of going away for good or death.

An Unknown Butcher Dream Explanation — He represents the angle of death.

Birds of Unknown Species Dream Explanation — They sumbolise the angels. Their interpretation is the same as that of seeing the angels of Allah Taala.

Eggs of Unknown Birds Dream Explanation — They represent beautiful women with handsome faces if the beholder of the dream becomes the owner of the eggs or he finds them in his possession.

An Unknown Qaadhi or Judge Dream Explanation — It is non other than Allah Taala

Building a House in an Unknown Locality Dream Explanation — The building of a house in an unknown locality suggest that the beholder will accomplish good deeds and that he will secure for himself a favourable position in the hereafter.

Entering an Unknown House with the Dead Dream Explanation — Entering an unknown house in the company of a dead person means he will die soon and thus join the dead person.

Eating the Eggs of Unknown Birds Dream Explanation — The one who eats them cooked, fried or boiled in his dream, will acquired riches and prosperity.

Robbery Dream Explanation — (Burglary; Garding; Possessing) In a dream, a robbery means adultery or usury. If the thief is unknown in the dream, then he represents the Angel of Death. If the thief is known to the owner of the house, it means that he will benefit from his knowledge, his trade, a good word of wisdom, or from someone’s advice. If an unknown thief enters one’s house and steals his washing basin, or his blanket, or a feminine item, or a similar house item in a dream, it may mean the death of one’s wife, or of a woman in his immediate family. If a known thief robs someone of his money in a dream, it means that he slanders him. If it is an unknown old man in the dream, it means that a close friend will backbite him. A robbery in a dream also has positive connotations, except for a swaggerer who lives on betraying others. If one sees himself sneaking up to steal something in a dream, it means that thieves will burglarize his house or business. If one sees himself stealing something in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery or lie. (Also see Thief)

Well Dream Explanation — The well symbolizes the patriarch of the family, in view of its importance, or the dreamer’s wife, because he sends his bucket and rope dangling in it. Likewise, it contains water, like a childbearing woman. Besides, the word for well is feminine in Arabic. It could also refer to everyone or everything useful in the house. When it refers to a woman, it is usually a smiling and optimistic one.
• A sick person falling in an unknown well: Will die.
• Getting water from an unknown well: Wife will give birth to a boy in view of the Quranic verse: “And there came a caravan, and they sent their water-drawer. He let down his pail  (into the pit). He said: Good luck! Here is a youth. And they hid him as a treasure, and Allah was aware of what they did.”  (“Yusuf” [Joseph], verse 19.)
• Digging a well to find water in it: Will marry a wealthy woman and outsmart her because, according to Ibn Siren, digging symbolizes wickedness, deceit, fraud, trickery, et cetera. If the well is empty, the woman in question will be a poor one.
• Water flowing out of a well: Sorrow and weeping will take place in the area. If the water infiltrates the houses around, the dreamer will have money that will prove to be a curse for him.
• Digging a well and irrigating one’s garden with its water: The dreamer is taking an aphrodisiac, which drives him to incest.

Limbs Dream Explanation — (Arm; Member) Limbs in a dream represent one’s family. Seeing oneself dismembered in a dream means the dispersal of his family, or that he will cut off his blood ties, or it could mean undertaking a long journey and separating from one’s family for a long time. (Also see Body; Tooth)

Urinating Dream Explanation — Urinating in a dream means wasting money in an unnecessary or an unlawful way. It also means a marriage to an unsuitable or a non-compatible person. Frequency of urination in a dream means receiving regular income. On the other hand, suppression of urine in a dream means the opposite, or it may mean hastiness, or making an incorrect decision. If one sees himself urinating in an unknown place, in someone else’s house, a lodge, a town, etcetera in a dream, it may mean kinship with its people. Wetting one’s underpants in a dream means a newborn in the family. Urinating in the sea in a dream mean paying taxes or giving charity. Urinating in a valley in a dream means expansion of one’s progeny. Emitting bad odor after urination while others are looking with despise in a dream means defamation, or exposing one’s ills in public. Drinking urine in a dream means earning unlawful income. If one sees his servant or employee urinating inside a well or a stream in a dream, it means that someone from his family will betray its interests. Urinating in a dream also means dispelling distress.

Treasure Collector Dream Explanation — A person who has a huge family but is barely able to support his family.

Incident Dream Explanation — Bishr bin Abi Al-‘Aliya said: “I asked Muhammad about someone who saw his jaws fall out in a dream.” He replied: ‘This is someone who has cut off his ties with his family.” Here again, Muhammad went to the origin, and in this case, it is one’s teeth. In Islam, breaking relations with one’s family is considered a major sin. Jubair Ibn Mut’in reported that God’s prophet (uwbp) has said: “One who breaks his family ties will not enter paradise.” (Bukhari & Muslim) Abu Iluraira, God be pleased with him, reported that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said: “Whoever wishes his fortune to increase and his life to be extended, should preserve his family ties.” (Bukhari)


Salam brother and sisters in islam, i am ten years old and i start learning my religion (islam) from the Quran and Hadiths.Please pray for me for this dunya and hereafter.