what was your dream about.. Islamic dreams about Someone Spitting find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Someone Spitting dictionary! Someone Spitting dream interpretations Spitting Dream Explanation — This means he will utter words which will affect someone other than himself.
Spittle Dream Explanation — Saliva or spittle in a dream represents the element of one’s strength. If in a dream one seems to have a dry mouth, it represent his inability to do what his competition can do. Spitting against a wall in a dream means spending one’s money in a good cause, or engaging in a profitable business. Spitting on the floor in a dream means purchasing land. Spitting against a tree in a dream means to recant one’s promise. Spitting at another person in a dream means despising him. Warm saliva in a dream means long life, while cold saliva represents a short life. The color of one’s saliva in a dream shows the state of one’s spirit. Spiting blood or phlegm in a dream means speaking ill of others.
Spit Dream Explanation — Spittle symbolizes a man’s wealth and power or capabilities. Warm spittle is a reference to life, while cold spittle alludes to death.
• Spitting: The dreamer is backbiting.
• Spitting on a wall: (1) The dreamer is investing in business. (2) The dreamer is financing Jihad, or holy struggle.
• Spitting on the ground: The dreamer will buy land or a farm.
• Spitting on a tree: The dreamer will forsake a vow or fail to honour a pledge that he had sworn to fulfil.
• Having no saliva to spit out: Poverty.
• Saliva flowing from the mouth: The dreamer will earn money, then lose it.
• Saliva flowing from the mouth without touching any part of the dreamer’s body but people collecting it with their hands: The dreamer will spread knowledge among people. If the saliva is mixed with blood, such knowledge will include lies.
• Plenty of water flowing from the dreamer’s mouth: The dreamer will lead a comfortable life.
• Water coming out of a merchant’s mouth: Alms to the poor.
Spit out Dream Explanation — (Imprecation; Witchcraft) Spitting over something in a dream, or blowing over a knot and spitting on it with an imprecation in a dream means witchcraft. (Also see Spittle)
Flesh Dream Explanation — Views on certain items of this chapter are widely divided and sometimes diametrically opposed. For instance, according to Al-Nabulsi:
• Eating somebody’s flesh: Will speak ill of such a person in his absence.
• Eating one’s own flesh: Will eat up gains. According to Ibn Siren, will eat away savings or whatever is hoarded. For Ibn Shaheen:
• Eating human flesh: Financial gains in any case. If the person whose flesh is being eaten is known to the dreamer, the latter will take a bite at the victim’s purse or property. In case the dreamer is eating such flesh voraciously and with great appetite while blood is spilling imminent, unquestionable, and huge financial gains will be achieved.
• Eating one’s own flesh: Abundance and tremendous power are in store.
• Eating the flesh of a tortured person (crucified, hung, et cetera): Will obtain money from a wanted individual. It could also mean redemption and/or vengeance.
• Eating the flesh of one’s enemy: Will triumph over him.
• Eating the flesh of a dead person: Will speak ill of the dead, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that says: “O ye who believe! Shun much suspicion; for lo! some suspicion is a sin. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? …” (“Al-Hujurat” [The Private Apartments], verse 12.) According to Ibn Siren, it makes no difference whether the eaten person is a man or a woman, but the younger the subject, the more likely the dream will come true.
• Eating another person’s flesh raw: Will slander that person or backbite one of his relatives.
• Eating another person’s flesh cooked or grilled: Will swallow the other’s capital.
• Biting and snatching one’s own flesh and spitting it on the ground: The dreamer is an evil person and a slanderer.
• Eating one’s own tongue: (1) The dreamer is the silent, concealing, and self-restrained type. (2) The dreamer’s eloquence will help him. To come back to the general interpretation:
• A woman eating her own flesh: Will commit adultery.
• A lady eating another woman’s flesh: Will have a lesbian experience with her, or each of them will try to overpower the other physically or otherwise.