what was your dream about.. Islamic dreams about Quick Sand find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Quick Sand dictionary! Quick Sand dream interpretations
Walking on Sand or Picking Up Sand Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself walking on sand or picking up sand, it means he will have to toil very hard in order to become wealthy.
Quick pace Dream Explanation — (See Hurry)
Sand Dream Explanation — In a dream, sand represents money. Carrying a handful of sand in a dream means pursuing a business. If one carries a heavy load of sand in a dream, it means that he will suffer for his sins. Swallowing sand or gathering it in a dream denotes savings. Walking on sand in a dream means pursuing either a spiritual or a mundane interest, or it could represent a sad event, a fight, or committing injustice toward one’s own soul or against others. Depending on the quantity seen in one’s dream, gathering sand may mean shackles, a siege, life or death, poverty or richness, and honor or humiliation. Sand in a dream also means toiling or difficulties. If a woman sees herself walking on sand in a dream, it means the death of her husband. If a man sees such a dream, it means the death of his wife. Red sand in a dream represents a high ranking position. White sand in a dream means profits for fortunetellers. Yellow sand in a dream means repentance, recovering from an illness, or tightening of one’s livelihood. A pile of sand collected at the feet of a tree in a dream represents a construction project, or urban expansion. (Also see Hourglass)
Sand Grouse Dream Explanation — The male sand grouse symbolizes a warrior. The female bird is a narcissist—a beautiful woman who admires herself. Dreaming of seeing a sand grouse means the dreamer’s wife, if pregnant, will give birth to a boy.
Soil and Sand Dream Explanation — Soil, sand and dust symbolize wealth in the form of goods, if someone sees soil, Sand or dust flying on him or he sees himself eating it, it suggest that he will become wealthy and affluent.
Trickling sand Dream Explanation — (See Hourglass)
Sand or Dust Flying in the Atmosphere or Skies Dream Explanation — Sand or dust flying in the atmosphere or skies symbolizes the beholder’s affairs becoming chaotic. The same interpretation is given if mist or fog is seen.
Urticaria Dream Explanation — Dreaming of having urticaria, nettle rash, or hives represents: (1) Quick money earned with joy. (2) Quick punishment.
Hurry Dream Explanation — (Celerity; Haste; Hastiness; Quick pace) Walking with dispatch, or with a quick pace in Mecca or in any town in a dream means victory over one’s enemy. Celerity in a dream also represents haste, or the dispatch through which one leaves this world. Moving with a quick pace in a dream also means loss of one’s position, or it could mean attending the pilgrimage season in Mecca. (Also see Hastiness)
Burial Dream Explanation — The burial symbolizes ten things: (1) Jail. (2) Poverty or misery. (3) Travel. (4) Distance. (5) Delay or procrastination. (6) Forbidden sex. (7) Declining capacity. (8) Gloating or rejoicing at another’s misfortune. (9) Uneasiness and paucity of resources. (10) Things that turn sour.
• Attending a burial: Will receive a double reward from God.
• Being dead and buried: (1) Will embark on a long journey and earn plenty of money that will revive the dreamer’s economy, in view of verses in the Holy Quran that read: “Then causeth him to die, and burieth him; then, when He will, He bringeth him again to life.” (“Abasa” [He Frowned], verses 21–22.) (2) Will die from the religious point of view.
• Being buried alive in a grave: The doer will subdue the dreamer and perhaps lock him up, but the latter will escape such harm, unless he died in the rest of the dream, in which case he would die overwhelmed by all sorts of trouble and related worries.
• Burying a living person: Will triumph over enemy.
• Burying one’s enemy: Will overpower him.
• A group of people burying a person: (1) Bad omen. (2) Those people will gang up to destroy that person.
• Coming out of the grave: Will (hopefully) repent.
• Throwing sand on a man’s head or handing him over to the undertakers in the grave pit: Will cause that man’s doom.
• Seeing oneself being put in an open grave: Will have a house. In case the sand had been levelled on the dreamer, he would obtain money, as much as there was sand.
• Burying a useful animal: (1) Regret. (2) Savings.
• Burying an odious animal: Will come across a man with similar characteristics.
• Burying an object: You are materialistic.
• Burying something that does not need to be buried: (1) Will lose your fortune without achieving any purpose. (2) Will keep something with somebody (because the human being is made of dust or clay).
Wheat Dream Explanation — • Seeing wheat: (1) Blessings and quick benefit. (2) Truth that will come up. (3) Relief and rest after hardships. Wheat in the bed: Wife is or will become pregnant.
Divination Dream Explanation — (Geomancy) Seeing a Fortuneteller who practices divination by interpreting random figures that are formed when a handful of earth is thrown on the ground or one who interprets randomly drawn lines on sand represents a fraudulent and a cunning person, a thief, or such a dream could represent profits from importing goods. (Also see Astrologer; Fortuneteller)
Swallowing Dream Explanation — To swallow something one is chewing in a dream means debts, or collectors demanding their money. To swallow dust or sand in a dream means poverty, giving someone a warning look, greed, or it could mean bribing someone in authority. (Also see Chewing; Food)
Hourglass Dream Explanation — (Sandglass) In a dream, the two bulbs of a sandglass represent two sons, or two brothers, or two partners. Whatever happens to them in the dream will reflect in such people. An hourglass in a dream also means makeup, beauty, or marriage. The sand trickling from the upper bulb into the lower bulb in a dream represents man’s semen.
Steak Dream Explanation — (Meat) In a dream, a steak represents an unavoidable evil happening, or it could represent a passing danger. Sliced meat in a dream also could mean happiness, quick earnings, fertility, or exposure of what man should keep personal and private. Seeing a butcher slicing meat in a dream could mean fights, evil, war, divisions in the society, or mixing the lawful with the unlawful, or usury, or fulfilling one’s needs.
Setting out Dream Explanation — (Preach; Prescribe) Setting out to command what is good and to forbid what is evil in a dream means benefiting others and comforting them. If a sick person sees himself standing up to defend proper moral values, to explain what is true and to refute what is false in a dream, it means that he will enjoy a quick recovery from his illness. If one sees someone’s infant setting out to walk in a dream, it means that it will take him a longer time to walk.
Delight Dream Explanation — (Happiness; Music; Overjoy) Experiencing delight or overjoy from a musical performance in a dream means being moved by sorrow and grief. To feel overjoyed or ruptured in a dream also suggests diligence, a quick mind, intelligence or awareness of someone who is known to be leaden, or it could mean a sudden change in the attitude of a stingy person as he turns to spending his money with generosity. The feeling of rapture or emotional ecstasy in a dream also means indulging in sin, becoming alcoholic, committing adultery, or it could mean love for Allah Almighty, turning toward Him in truth and with sincerity.
Flour Dream Explanation — Wheat or corn flour symbolizes whatever money the dreamer has amassed. It also refers to his children and other persons he supports.
• Baking wheat or corn flour: Will visit relatives abroad.
• Baking barley flour: The dreamer is a true believer, will triumph over enemies and will earn a fortune and a high post.
• Flour paste: Honest and quick business gains if it fermented. If it does not, it means corruption or that things will go wrong and the dreamer will experience financial hardships. If it turns sour, the subject is about to lose everything.
Fortuneteller Dream Explanation — (Magic practice; Medium; Prophecies) If a Fortuneteller sees himself gathering white sand in his dream, it means profiting from his trade. A Fortuneteller in a dream represents someone who can explain the meaning of things, a man of knowledge, an emissary, a dream interpreter, a treasurer or a supply controller. Seeing a Fortuneteller in a dream also signifies stagnation of businesses, a recession and a slump. Coming before a Fortuneteller to ask about some understanding in a dream denotes distress, burdens or dismay. If the Fortuneteller replies with a truthful answer in the dream, one should accept his answer. If the Fortuneteller maintains silence and declines to answer in the dream, it means abolition of one’s intent or dismissal of any benefits. (Also see Astrologer; Divination; Dream interpreter; Seer)
Ablution – Ritual Washing Before Prayers Dream Explanation — Ablutions symbolize the discharge of responsibility in all honesty, the repayment of a debt, or truthful testimony.
• Conducting ablutions in order to pray: Will be in God’s good books.
• Conducting ablutions in a tunnel or some subterranean passage: Will recover what was stolen.
• Conducting ablutions, then tackling prayers: Will have no more worries and thank God for such relief.
• Conducting ablutions with something impure and improper: Expected relief will not come.
• A merchant dreaming that he is praying without having conducted ablutions: He is trading without capital.
• A prince or a commander dreaming that he is praying without having conducted ablutions: His soldiers will never assemble when summoned. Praying without ablutions in an unsuitable place: The dreamer is at a loss and will have no outlet.
• Conducting ablutions with desert sand in view of the absence of water (tayammum): Relief and comfort are to come soon.