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Dreams about Penetrating Islamic Interpretations Explanation

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Explore Islamic dream interpretations regarding penetration. Discover meanings and explanations for penetrating in the dream dictionary!  Penetrating dream interpretations: Cauliflower Dream Explanation — A cauliflower in a dream symbolises a neat and passionate person who typically assists others, benefits them, and has an acute or penetrating personality. Seeing a cauliflower in one’s hand in a dream signifies an attempt to collect a debt that will only be paid through the imposition of one’s will and firmness.

Drill Dream Explanation — • Drilling a hole and penetrating a house through the wall: The dreamer desires a woman and will get to her by ruse.
• Drilling a hole somewhere in a city  (excavating): The dreamer is looking for a wise man or a scholar.
• Drilling a hole in a rock: The dreamer seeks a harsh ruler.

Marriage Dream Explanation — • High position, gains, and prosperity.
• Marrying and penetrating a woman: Dignity and attaining something the dreamer is striving for.
• Marrying a woman after seeing, knowing or identifying her or after she has been named to you: You will have a good or bad destiny in life, depending on the social position, virtue or vice, beauty or danger of that lady, or the meaning of the bride’s name.
• Marrying when the man already has one or more wives  (Muslims may have up to four, provided they treat them fairly and equally): Elevation in life and benefit as much as the woman he had seen or identified was beautiful. If he had neither seen, identified her, nor heard her name, he or someone else would die in his arms.
• A woman seeing herself adorned and on her way to a bridegroom without reaching him: Death is near. If, on the contrary, she arrives at him and he penetrates her, that means benefit and happiness for her, inasmuch as her adornment and clothes appeared beautiful.
• Marrying the wife or sister of a sheikh  (meaning an old man, or more often a dignified person or tribal chieftain): Will achieve big gains. This is also true for a woman dreaming of marrying the husband or brother of an old lady.
• Marrying an obscene or vulgar woman: Will get killed.
• Seeing a woman taking a second husband can have three interpretations:  (1) If she is pregnant, she will give birth to a girl.  (2) The lady is trying to get her daughter married.  (3) Dispute over marriage between the lady and her husband.
• Marriage contract involving an unidentified woman: Death, if the bride-groom is ill. Otherwise, it means that the dreamer will sign a contract that will bring him power or will testify against a dead person. Because women symbolize power, penetration is tantamount to killing and the penis is likened to a dagger or a spear stab that causes bloodshed.
• The dreamer marrying another’s wife and taking her to him: Loss of dignity and livelihood.
• Driving one’s wife to another man to have him marry her concurrently: Reduced power or business losses.
• Conversely, wedding one’s wife to another man and bringing the latter to her doorstep: Business gains.
• Seeing a sick man getting married without a woman  (in the dream): The patient will die peacefully.
• Marrying a prohibited relative: The dreamer will prevail over his family.
• Marrying and penetrating a dead woman: The revival of a dead matter. But if the dreamer had neither penetrated nor even had intercourse with her, success in that matter would be shaky.
• Having an incestuous marriage with the dead: The dreamer will resume his duties towards his parents and dependents.  (Also see Incest.)
• Conversely, marrying a religiously prohibited relative  (wife’s sister, for example) who is alive and well: Will not support parents and in-laws.
• A woman dreaming of a dead man marrying and penetrating her: Her wealth will shrink, she will suffer from instability, and her luck will change. If the dead man took her to his home, which she had not seen before, she would die.
• Marrying a woman who then dies: Will endeavour in a matter, only to reap nothing but sorrow.
• Marrying a woman of a different faith: Will have a spouse who will induce you into a sinful or unlawful experiment or to apostasy.
• Marrying an adulteress: Will yourself indulge in adultery.  (Also see Adultery.)
• Marrying any kind of animal: Will marry a woman having similarities with such a beast. If the animal was consenting, the woman in question would go along in the husband’s direction, be it good or bad.
• Seeing a sick man getting married without a woman in sight or in a mysterious manner: The patient will die and rest peacefully.

Key Dream Explanation — The key symbolizes access to learning, especially the Holy Quran. It also means benefits, a safe, blessings, and support. Keys could refer as well to children, boys, messengers, money and the piercing of mysteries, or the pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah). Other interpretations include the man and the woman, the former penetrating the latter like the key in the keyhole, the wrapped up baby, and the dead in his grave.
• Holding a key: God will respond to the dreamer’s prayers.
• Seizing a key: Will find a treasure or make a fortune from agriculture. If the dreamer is already a rich person, this dream is a reminder that he should pay his religious dues and be good to the needy.
• Holding the key to Paradise:  (1) Will acquire knowledge and turn ascetic.  (2) Will find a treasure.  (3) Will make honest gains or inherit.
• Holding the keys of the Kabah (the Muslim’s holiest shrine in Mecca (Makkah)): Will become the chamberlain of a great ruler or an imam (Muslim spiritual leader).
• A king or a senior official dreaming of keys: A reference to countries, provinces, reforms, or victories.
• Holding many keys: Will wield a considerable influence.
• Holding a wooden key: The dreamer should be careful not to entrust his money to anybody, as wood symbolizes hypocrisy.
• An iron key: A powerful and dangerous man.
• Holding a key without dents: The dreamer will be unfair to an orphan.
• Opening a door or a lock: Will triumph over enemies, probably with the help of a strong man.
• Opening a door or a lock without using any key: The dreamer will obtain what he aims for, thanks to his prayers and good deeds or to his parents prayers for him.
• Keys being thrown to a woman: Will get married.

Mouse Dream Explanation — The mouse symbolizes the dreamer’s household: those who dwell in his house—his wife and children, et cetera—a debauched woman, or, some say, a devilish Jewish woman or a Jew, as related by Al-Nabulsi. It could also refer to a thief. Many mice means profit and welfare. Mice of the same colour allude to women. The rat is a digging thief.
• Dreaming of a mouse playing in one’s house: Prosperity will increase because, according to the ancient Arabs, mice invade only prosperous places. And only people who are not hungry can afford to play.
• Seeing mice in one’s house: Dangerous women will enter that house.
• A mouse leaving one’s house: Livelihood and blessings will decrease.
• Owning a mouse: Will have a servant because, like servants, mice share the master’s food.
• White and black mice coming and going: Long life, as the white indicates the days and the black the nights. To borrow the expressions of Ibn Siren, the black and white mice are the nights and days silently nibbling our life and body.
• Plenty of white and black mice in an inclined or jeopardized location or a well: Life will be shortened.
• Dreaming of a mouse during an afternoon nap: Will have a long life.
• Seeing a mouse in one’s clothes or bedding: Will have intercourse with an evil woman.
• A mouse gnawing on a person’s clothes: The time that passes and erodes everything.
• A mouse digging and searching: Beware of a searching thief.
• Killing a mouse: Will win over or subdue an evil or corrupt woman.
• Obtaining mouse skin: You will get some money, not much, from a debauched woman.
• Throwing arrows or stones at a mouse: Will backbite a licentious woman or exchange correspondence with her on an unholy matter.
• Catching a mouse: Will outsmart a woman and sleep with her. A man who saw himself penetrating a mouse and coming out with a date from its ass asked Ibn Siren about the meaning of such a dream. “Are you married to a corrupt woman?” asked Ibn Siren. “Yes,” said the man. “She will give birth to a devout son.”
• A mouse coming out of one’s rectum: A thankless woman will escape the dreamer’s life.
• A mouse coming out of the dreamer’s nose or penis: The wife will give birth to a corrupt and ungrateful girl.

Sodomy Dream Explanation — (Also see Sex, Incest, and Necromancy.)

• Sodomising a man: (1) Joy and relief from grief or trouble. (2) The two parties may commit an error out of ignorance.

• Sodomising the sultan (ruler or chief): The dreamer will incur financial loss. The opposite may apply.

• Sodomising a stranger: (1) The dreamer is likely to overspend. (2) The dreamer will issue a fair judgement.

• Sodomising one’s father: The dreamer is a dutiful and loving son; otherwise, he could not possibly have such a dream, according to Ibn Siren.
• Sodomizing a young but unknown man: Triumph over an enemy  (young men generally being regarded as enemies) if the dreamer knows him and there is a dispute between the two. In the absence of hostility, it means that the passive partner will receive some benefit from the active one, his homonym  (a person sharing the same name), or a counterpart. The same interpretation would apply, but with a lesser victory or less benefits, if impassioned kisses and intercourse in bed between the two men does not culminate in sodomy. If the dreamer sees himself kissing a man without sexual passion, it means that he will receive some benefit from the one he has kissed inasmuch as he was accepted.
• Being sodomized by one’s adversary: The dreamer will triumph over him.
• Sodomizing a child: Wrongdoing, sorrow, and hardships.
• Being sodomized by a known man: The dreamer will join hands with him for some mischief.
• Sodomizing one’s wife: The dreamer is turning heretical or running after some extraordinary matter involving innovation, which he will fail to obtain. In any case, he is not following the Tradition of the Muslims  Holy Prophet.
• A man sodomizing a consenting sheikh  (old man, businessman, or tribal chieftain): Something very beneficial will occur.
• Sodomizing an unknown old man: Good omen, that man being, presumably, the dreamer’s own perseverance or struggle in life, in which he is injecting vigour, as the words grandfather and endeavours are homonyms in Arabic.
• An identified dead man sodomizing a living human: The latter will obtain a share from the former’s bequest or from his heirs or kith and kin.
• Sodomizing a dead man: The dreamer will pray for the latter.
• Being sodomized by the caliph  (or ruler): The dreamer will rule over a province or be given an important position. Sodomizing a man without problems: Harmony prevails between the two partners during that period, and the passive one will benefit from the other, be he identified or not.
Penetrating the anus of a prelate: The dreamer will sweep dirt.
• Being sodomized by an animal: The dreamer will be over-chivalrous.
• Having sex with or sodomizing an unknown mammal or bird: Victory over an enemy and the dreamer will unduly wrench financial benefits from the vanquished.
• Having sex with or sodomizing an identified animal: The dreamer will be good to an undeserving party and should not expect a reward.
• Having sex with or sodomizing one’s male slave, subordinate, subject, or nation: Escape from trouble and increase in property and wealth  (or realm, if the dreamer is a king or a ruler). Or perhaps the dreamer will have more children. The reverse means that the dreamer is underestimated, disregarded, or taken lightly, especially if in the dream he was sodomized by his slave or servant.
• Sodomizing a lion: The dreamer will triumph over his enemy, whoever he may be. The reverse is also true.
• Sodomizing a lioness: The dreamer will be saved from many hardships, rise, and become prestigious, awesome, and highly solicited.
• Sodomizing a tiger: The dreamer will have passion for a woman whose folks are unjust.
• Butchering an ox from the nape of its neck or any place other than the conventional neck: The dreamer will sodomize a man.

Anus Dream Explanation — The anus generally symbolizes a subdued man, a flute player, a drummer, a discreet individual who keeps secrets, some relative of the degree whose marriage is prohibited in Islam, the bottom of a priest, a foolish person, a mate, money, the dreamer’s purse, bank, house, shop, warehouse, or box, parlour, etc.; as well as all that comes into contact with the bottom, such as a toilet seat, a slip, a chair, a straw carpet, a saddle, an animal that humans ride, the valet responsible for the dreamer’s personal hygiene, and so on. It could also represent the door (key) to the man’s secrets, spanking and related obedience or disobedience, a trumpet, the blacksmith’s pair of bellows, a sewage facility, the words that emerge from the mouth—whether good or bad—the mouth that emits an odour, and, paradoxically, festivities and joy. Other interpretations include a deserted house, uncultivated land, any unholy place, or a man whom people avoid due to his evil character or ignorance, alongside important matters the dreamer turns his back on.
• Pulling something from one’s anus: Will get stuck or become needy.
• Going into an anus: Wrong approach or running after a complex matter because that duct is sterile.
• Seeing a person’s anus: Will see a gloomy face, and the owner of such a face will spend as much money as blood or excrement coming out of that anus the dreamer had seen. If such a person had passed the stool in the proper place, the money would have been spent in the right direction, and the reverse is true.
• Seeing one’s anus has been obstructed: Will die.
• Seeing a young man’s anus: Will be defeated by him.
• Seeing the anus of a well-known old man: This very man will mislead you.
• Seeing the anus of an unidentified old man: Will be led astray and overwhelmed without knowing who is pulling the strings from behind.
• A prince cutting his anus or bottom: Will fire his piper.
• An ordinary man cutting his bottom: Will no longer honour his obligations toward his parents and in-laws.
• Seeing the mother’s anus or buttocks: (1) A planned pilgrimage will not be valid. (2) Earnings will fade, and livelihood will grind to a halt.
• The anus of an unknown woman: The fading of the dreamer’s luck and livelihood.
Penetrating the anus of a prelate: Will sweep dirt.
• Drinking water through one’s anus: The dreamer is constipated or congested.
• Seeing worms or lice coming out of the rectum or anal tract: Will part from one’s children.
• Blood coming out of the anus: A reference to the grandchildren.
• Being stained with one’s own anal blood: Illicit money.
• Seeing a duster coming out of one’s anus  (or stomach): Will move away from strangers who are eating up the money of your children. Seeing a peacock coming out of one’s anus: A beautiful girl will be born to the dreamer.
• A fish coming out of one’s anus: The dreamer will have an ugly girl.
• A kind of snake coming out of one’s anus: Estranged children.
• A snake coming out of the dreamer’s collar or anus and going into the earth: The dreamer’s time is over.
• A snake coming out of the dreamer’s ear, belly, vagina, or anus: Will commit a sin and give up religious faith or the dreamer’s children might turn inimical.
• According to Is Haq Ibrahim ibn Abdullah Al-Kirmani, another authority on dreams quoted by Ibn Shaheen, the sight of the anus augurs well for the dreamer. More, if a nice smell is coming out of the anus, it means that people are praising the hero of the dream. The reverse is also true.

Resuscitate  (Live Again) Dream Explanation — • Resuscitating:  (1) Will overcome poverty and become rich or self-sufficient.  (2) Will become an apostate  (change religion).  (3) Will come back safe and sound from a journey in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that reads: “Bethink thee [O Muhammad] of those of old, who went forth from their habitations in their thousands, fearing death,46 and Allah said unto them: Die, and then He brought them back to life …”  (“Al-Baqarah” [The Heifer], verse 243.)  (4) Will commit a sin, then repent, in view of a verse in the Holy Quran that reads: “They say: Our Lord! Twice hast Thou made us die, and twice hast Thou made us live. Now we confess our sins. Is there any way to go out?”  (“Ghafer” [The Forgiver] or “Al-Mumin” [The Believer], verse 11.)  (5) Will live long.  (6) The dreamer is a tanner.
• Resuscitating someone: Will help an atheist become a Muslim or a debauchee repent, or the dreamer will simply repent.
• One’s grandfather or grandmother resuscitating: Revival of efforts and luck, as the word for a grandparent in Arabic, is a homonym of endeavour.
• One’s father or mother resuscitating: Relief from worries.  (The dream involving the father is more likely to come true.)
• Resuscitation of a son: Emergence of a most unexpected enemy.
• Resuscitation of a daughter: Relief and satisfaction.
• Resuscitation of a brother: The dreamer’s weakness will turn into strength in view of the following verses: “ (My Lord), appoint for me a henchman from my folk, Harun [Aaron], my brother. Confirm my strength with him.”  (“Ta-Ha”, verses 29–31.)
• Resuscitation of a sister: An absent one will return from abroad, bringing joy, owing to the Quranic verse that reads: “And she said unto his sister: Trace him. So she sighted him from afar, whereas they perceived not”  (“Al-Qasas” [The Requital, verse 11) .
• Resuscitation of an uncle or an aunt: Return or revival of a matter that had gone out of the dreamer’s hands.
• Dead women rising beautifully dressed with full makeup: The dreamer or the family of these women will witness the revival of some issues, depending on how beautiful the women looked and how well they were dressed. White dresses refer to religious matters, red to entertainment, and black to wealth, power, and mastery. If their dresses are tattered, it means poverty and worries; dirty dresses symbolize the accumulation of sins.
• Making love to one’s resuscitated wife and getting wet with her water  (semen):  (1) Pending matters will be settled favourably, and money will be spent willingly in the right way.  (2) Will resume one’s leadership.  (3) Business will be lucrative. •
• Marrying a resuscitated woman and taking her to one’s house: Will do something, then regret it.
• Marrying a resuscitated woman, taking her to one’s house, penetrating her, and spreading her discharge all over one’s body: Will regret some act, lose as a result of it, and experience worries, but things will be set right later on. The more discharge there was on the dreamer’s body, the better. The same interpretation would apply if the hero of the dream was a woman and the discharge a man’s sperm.
• Marrying a resuscitated woman, abstaining from touching her, but settling in her house: Will die.
• Finding a dead person alive in his grave: Will become wise and pious and achieve orderly gains.
• Going to a graveyard to unearth the dead and finding some of them alive and others not: A bloodbath will take place in that spot or country.
• A pharaoh resuscitating and ruling a country: Tyranny or corruption will prevail and the people’s condition will deteriorate.

Vagina Dream Explanation —   (Also see Semen.) The Arabic word for vagina or vulva is farj, from faraj, meaning “relief.” Thus the vagina symbolizes: (1) Relief and comfort. (2) The honey, date, or wine peddler because sex is as sweet as sugar. (3) A ripper or a bloody person. (4) A wicked deceiver, obedient and humble during daytime and profligate and out of control at night. (5) A foolish slave. (6) A bird’s nest containing eggs. (7) Deep trouble. (8) The fulfilment of requests. (9) Marriage, for the bachelor.  (10) Resumption of spending on one’s parents and in-laws.  (11) Repentance.  (12) Resumption of praying.  (13) The prayer niche in a mosque.  (14) The Qiblah  (the point toward which Muslims turn their faces when praying).  (15) A journey.  (16) The key to a man’s secret.  (17) The unveiling of secrets.  (18) A contract53 to set up a company.  (19) The discovery of metals, minerals, and all hidden things.  (20) The very vagina of a docile woman who gives it only to her man.  (21) A prison.  (22) The main gate or door of a house that, according to Islamic tenets, visitors should use.  (They must never come through back doors, windows, et cetera.)  (23) The bathroom, for all the water, heat, et cetera, that is in it.  (24) A valley surrounded by hills and mountains.  (25) A disease and medicine that might revive then kill the patient, as the penis becomes erect, strong, and full of vitality when it comes into contact with the vagina, then dies down when its sperm  (which feeds it) gets out.  (26) A furnace.  (27) The oven where the paste is introduced comes out as finished bread.  (28) The spouse.  (29) Pregnancy.  (30) Hell or the fatal attraction to it (same as for the penis) since it is the centre of burning pleasure.  (31) The grave.
• A sick person seeing a vagina:  (1) The dreamer is about to die.  (2) The dreamer’s grave is being dug.
Penetrating a vagina:  (1) The dreamer will place a fat mutton in a furnace.  (2) He will put a paste in an oven.  (3) He will eat an exotic fruit.
• Seeing the vagina of an identified woman: The dreamer will uncover her secret.
• The vagina of an identified woman looking nice and healthy: Her husband or son will be better off.
• A man with a vagina: He is not faring well and is being humiliated, or the reverse. If he has worries or is in jail, he will be freed.
• A man standing trial or being tracked by an enemy seeing a vagina  (or, better, if he goes into it): The dreamer will win his case or defeat and crush his enemy.
• Seeing one’s vagina smaller than usual: The dreamer will overcome enemies. The reverse is also true.
• A merchant seeing an old woman’s vagina: He will sustain losses in his trade.
• Entering a vagina: The dreamer will die.
• Sucking  (or licking) the wife’s vagina: Minor relief.
• Seeing the wife’s vagina from behind: The peace and cordiality the dreamer is seeking will turn into tension and lasting hostility.
• A man dreaming that his wife has only one vagina: He is running after two matters; one will work and the other not.
• Dreaming that one’s wife has no vagina: A matter will be stalled, and the dreamer will be helpless and humiliated.
• The vagina being cut: Bad omen, meaning perhaps that enemies will prevail.
• Biting the vagina of an unknown woman: Relief and joy.
• The vagina of an unidentified old woman: Relief in life. Holding firm a woman’s vagina with one’s hand, which turns into a penis: Her morals will change. If it remains a penis, she will remain authoritarian, impudent, loud, and impossible to tame.
• Vaginal or pubic hair:  (1) Period is on the way.  (2) Poetic diatribe, a speciality of ancient Arab poets. It is noteworthy that in Arabic the words for hair and poem resemble each other. The former is shaar and the latter sheer.
• A woman dreaming that she has two vaginas: She might be penetrated from both sides.
• A woman seeing water entering her vagina: She will give birth to a boy.
• A woman dreaming that water is coming out of her vagina: She will deliver.
• Anything good coming out of the vagina: Good progeny.
• Anything ugly coming out of the vagina: The dreamer will give birth to bad children.
• A woman dreaming that fire is coming out of her vagina: She will give birth to a king.
• A woman dreaming that sesame is coming out of her vagina: Her husband is concealing his love for her.
• Bread coming out of a woman’s vagina: Bankruptcy, poverty, and need, no matter how good or beautiful the vagina looks in the dream.
• A person dreaming that a scented smell is exuding from her vagina: That person is candid. The reverse is also true.
• An iron, brass, or bronze vagina: Despair after failing to achieve the objectives being sought.
• Seeing an animal sucking, licking, or roaming around a woman’s vulva: The woman in question is a debauched and unworthy one. If the woman is unidentified, the dream does not augur well for the dreamer; it could mean that he is losing his brain for worldly matters.

Sex Dream Explanation —   (Also see Incest, Necromancy, and Sodomy.) In general, sex means successful achievements, the settlement of debts, joy, relief from trouble, and aims that will be reached or a high position that will be attained. It could also be a reference to a most cherished person. Most, if not all, interpreters consider dreams that end up with an orgasm as null and void, for their being more physical than anything else. In such undesired culminations they advise thorough washing after leaving bed.  (See Adultery.) For others, a dream concluded with ejaculation means that wishes will be fulfilled. If the sex partner is unknown, the dream is more likely to come true.
• Having sex but being unable to ejaculate: The dreamer is seeking difficult knowledge, concealed wisdom, et cetera. In case his organ is not hard, he will not get what he is after. The reverse is true inasmuch as there are libido and vigour.
• Having sex with a woman: Welfare and good fortune for the man’s family.
• Entrusting a woman with a secret: The dreamer wishes to have sex with her.  (See under Secret.)
• Having sex the usual way with one’s wife: The dreamer will be good and generous to her.
• A man dreaming of having sex with his spouse too adorned or sophisticated and more elegant or simply different from what she looks like in reality: The dreamer will have a good and prosperous years as much as his sex partner looked attractive. If the lady was anonymous, he would become powerful, but no guess could be made as to what benefit he will reap during that year.
• Having sex with one’s wife during her menses: The dreamer must abstain from making love to her.
• Having sex with one’s pious wife: Great prosperity.
• Having sex with one’s ill-reputed wife and seeing her vagina during the act: The dreamer will prosper tremendously  (but less than in the former case), and the dreamer’s requests will be granted.
• Sodomizing one’s wife: The dreamer is demanding something extraordinary or involving innovation, which he will fail to obtain or he is becoming a heretic and fails to follow the Tradition of the Muslims  Holy Prophet.
• Having sex with one’s dead wife: Something bad will happen.
• A man seeing somebody making love to his wife: That person, if known, will beat the husband in business.
• Having sex with an adulteress: Poverty and failure.
• Having sex with the wife of a man whom the dreamer knows: The betrayed husband will obtain riches through his wife.
• Having sex with a Christian lady: Uncertain power.
• Seeing an atheist enemy having sex with a Muslim lady: The enemy will raid the spot where the act was seen. Likewise, a Muslim having sex with a lady from the other camp means the opposite assault.
• A man dreaming of having sex with a known woman: Welfare for the family of either party. If, having failed to overwhelm her, he only fools around  (touching, mutual excitement, et cetera) or commits minor sins with her, her family will not be as lucky as in the former case, domination being superior to simple hugging, kissing, and so on.
• Deflowering a virgin: The dreamer will own a slave or make love to or marry a pretty woman during the year.
• Deflowering a slave: Power and benefits or wealth.
• Going into a black female slave: Worries, but which will quickly disappear.
• A man dreaming of having sex with another: The passive partner will get some benefit from the intruder.
• Having sex with or sodomizing one’s male slave, subordinate, subject, or nation: Escape from trouble and increase in property and wealth  (or realm, if the dreamer is a king or ruler). Or perhaps the dreamer will have more children. The reverse would mean that the dreamer is underestimated, disregarded, or taken lightly, especially if he was sodomized by his slave or servant.
• A man sodomizing a consenting sheikh  (old man or tribal chieftain): Something very beneficial will happen.
• Sodomizing an unknown old man: Good omen, that man being, presumably, the dreamer’s own perseverance or struggle in life in which he is injecting vigour  (semen), as the words grandfather and hard work or endeavours in Arabic are homonyms.
• Being sodomized by the caliph  (ruler or chief of any kind): The dreamer will rule over a province or be given an important post.
• Having sex with a teenage boy: Calamity is ahead.
• Having sex with a little boy: The dreamer will suffer moral depression and perpetual worries.
• Having sex with one’s little boy  (or little girl): The boy will be ill, and some harm will befall the dreamer.
• A poor man dreaming that he has sex with his young adopted child: He will send the boy to a teacher to seek knowledge.
• A rich man dreaming that he has sex with his young adoptive child: He will donate plenty of things to the boy and write a testament bequeathing all that he owns to the child.
• Having sex with a little girl: The dreamer will deflower a slave  (or servant).
• Having sex with one’s grown-up daughter: The girl will get married and the father will generously furnish and equip her new home. Having sex with one’s daughter married to another man: She will be separated from her husband and return to her father’s house. A poor man whose daughter is well off having the same dream will obtain great benefits from or through his daughter.
• Having sex with an unidentified dead woman: Desires will be fulfilled.
• Sodomizing a dead man or a woman dreaming of having been penetrated by a dead person:  (1) Benefits from an undesirable source, as the dead are undesirable sex partners.  (2) The dreamer will pray for the dead person.
• Sodomizing a man without problems: Harmony prevails between the two partners during that period, and the passive one will benefit from the other, be he identified or not.
• Sodomizing an identified dead man: The dreamer will do something good in memory of the latter, such as offering prayers, et cetera.
• Having incestuous sex or making love to a prohibited dead relative: Again, the dreamer will pray for, give alms in memory of, or visit that relative’s grave.
• Making love to one’s mother seen dead in the dream: The dreamer will meet her if she is alive. Having sex with her in the grave means death.
• A man dreaming or someone dreaming of him that he is having sex with his mother, sister, brother, or similar prohibited relative seen as dead in the dream: He is not sustaining them as he should, but will change his attitude and be fair to them. It could also mean trouble or worries or, on the contrary, benefit to both parties. If they are alive, it means the reverse and that he does not have much affection for them. In case, according to his dream, the act took place during the Muslims  sacred months, he will go to Mecca (Makkah) for the pilgrimage.
• An identified dead person making love to a living one: The latter will get some benefit from a bequest or the heirs of the former, be it material or otherwise.
• Marrying and penetrating a dead woman: The dreamer will revive a dead matter as important as the deceased was beautiful. If the dreamer does not overwhelm or penetrate her, the fulfilment will not be perfect.
• A woman having sex with another: She will confide her secrets and share the views and acts of her homosexual partner. If she does not know her lesbian mate, she will do something wrong.
• A married woman dreaming that another female has engaged her in sexual intercourse: She will part from her man, become a widow, and as the days go by share secrets with her lesbian sex partner.
• A high dignitary dreaming that after starting to make love to a woman she turned into a man: He will fail to get a high position he is requesting, or, simply, his aspirations will not be fulfilled. The same dream applied to the public means that life will get tough.
• One’s thigh making love to the other: The dreamer will marry a relative.
• Having sex with a woman from Paradise: The dreamer will become virtuous and knowledgeable in religion as much as she was beautiful.
• Having sex with a woman from Paradise while the children of Paradise are roving around: The dreamer will become a ruler or get some benefit.
• Making love to an unveiled girl from Paradise: The dreamer will hear things about religion that please him and will discreetly do good deeds on the religious plane, such as alms giving and Jihad  (struggle for the sake of God).
• Seeing something rotten: Bad vaginal smell. A man told Ibn Siren, “I dreamed that I bought a robe embroidered with the best silk, which was folded up. When I unfolded and hung it, I found it rotten in the middle.” “Did you buy an Andalusian slave?” asked Ibn Siren. “Yes,” said the man. “Did you have sex with her?” “No, for I have not yet checked her.” “Don’t bother to do so, because her genitals stink.” And so it was, when the man had his new slave checked by his women.
• A horseman having stepped down from a mare for some adventitious matter and keeping back provisionally without unsaddling it: His wife has her menses, and he will stay away from her temporarily. But if he stepped down to ride another mare, he will have a second woman. If he turns his face after stepping down, he will stay away from his wife for some time. If, after stepping down, he pisses blood, he is indulging in adultery  (because, according to the ancient Arabs, the soil is a woman and pissing is sex, while blood symbolizes what is prohibited).
• Having sex with or sodomizing an unknown mammal or bird: Victory over an enemy and the dreamer will unduly wrench financial benefits from the vanquished.
• Having sex with or sodomizing an identified animal: The dreamer will be good to an undeserving party and will not be rewarded.
• Being sodomized by an animal: The dreamer will be over chivalrous.
• Mixing or having intercourse with a lion: The dreamer will be secure from the enemy’s evil, and hostility will cease, to be replaced by a lasting friendship.
• Sodomizing a lion: The dreamer will triumph over the enemy, whoever he may be. The reverse is also true.
• Sodomizing a lioness: The dreamer will be saved from many hardships, rise, and become prestigious, awesome, and highly solicited.
• Sodomizing a tiger: The dreamer will have passion for a woman whose folk are unjust.
• Having sex with a cow: The dreamer will enjoy a year of undue prosperity.
• Butchering an ox from the nape of its neck or any place other than the conventional neck: The dreamer will be unjust to a man, attack him or betray him, cause him financial and moral or physical damage, or sodomize him, unless he slaughtered the ox to eat its meat or benefit from its grease or skin.
• Having sex with a monkey: The dreamer will commit an abomination.
• Having sex with a ewe: The dreamer will obtain undue money and will have a silent but fertile year.
• Slaughtering a ewe: The dreamer will have sex with or marry a woman.
• Introducing the penis in one’s own rectum:  (1) The dreamer is overspending or will do so.  (2) Far from being helpful, the dreamer is stingy with those who need his financial assistance and other good deeds.  (3) The dreamer will divorce.  (4) Severe illness, in case the dreamer is poor.  (5) Incest.
• Making love to a packhorse:  (1) The dreamer will do a favour for his wife.  (2) The dreamer will abstain from complaining of any weakness.
• Making love to a donkey: The dreamer will be super active.
• A donkey making love to the dreamer: The dreamer will get tremendously rich and extremely good-looking.

Salam brother and sisters in islam, i am ten years old and i start learning my religion (islam) from the Quran and Hadiths.Please pray for me for this dunya and hereafter.