what was your dream about.. Islamic Muslim dreams about Mother Sad find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Mother Sad dictionary! Mother Sad dream interpretations Mother Dream Explanation — (Educator; Eye-brow; Governess) Seeing one’s mother in a dream has a deeper and a stronger meaning than seeing one’s father. All the same in one’s dream, seeing her means attaining one’s goal. Man’s dreams are most pleasing when he sees his parents, grandparents or a relative. If one is going through difficulties and sees his mother in a dream, it means that help will come his way from sources he does not anticipate. If in real life he is awaiting someone’s return from a journey, that person could arrive shortly. If one is sick, it means that he will be cured from his illness. If one sees his mother giving birth to him, should he be ill in real life, then it means the approach of his death, for a deceased is wrapped in a shroud, while a new born is wrapped with a receiving cloth. If the person in question is poor, then seeing his mother in a dream means that his financial conditions will change for the better. If he is rich, it means restrictions of his earnings, for a child is dependent on others, and his movements are restricted. (Also see Earth)
Mother of pearl Dream Explanation — Buying a glittering glass ornament, or a house made of mother of pearls in a dream means choosing the pleasures of this world over the everlasting bliss of the hereafter, disdaining from obeying Allah’s commands, or it could mean becoming an apostate. (Also see Pearl)
Mother-Of-Pearl Dream Explanation — See Nacre.
Marriage to One’s Mother, Sister Etc. Dream Explanation — If a person dreams that he is marrying his mother, sister or any such person with whom marriage is forbidden is Islam-and such a dream is seen in any of the sacred months of Thil-Qa’dah, Thil-Hijjah, Muiharram or Rajab-it means he will proceed to Makkah and Madeenah. But if such a dream is not seen in any of the said months it means he will treat his relatives with kindness and serve them well. If his relationship with them was estranged, it will be re-established.
Mummification Dream Explanation — Embalming the body of a deceased person in a dream is a cause of happiness for a sad person and repentance of a sinner. (Also see Shroud)
Luxuries shop Dream Explanation — (Amenity; Extravagance) Luxuries salesman in a dream means enriching oneself at people’s expense. Luxuries shop owner in a dream means enslaving others, or he could represent a cattle merchant, or celebrating happy or sad anniversaries.
Incest Dream Explanation — Also see Sex and Sodomy.
• A reference to an illegitimate birth.
• Marrying a relative whom Islam prohibits: Will prevail over one’s family.
• Sodomizing one’s father: Will oust him from the country or be hostile to him.
• Having sex with one’s father or mother without ejaculation: Will be good to him or her. If the dream had ended with an orgasm, it would mean the reverse.
• A man dreaming or someone dreaming of him that he is having sex with his mother, sister, brother, or similar prohibited relations seen as dead in the dream: He is not supporting them as he should, but will change his attitude and become fair. It could also mean trouble and worries or, on the contrary, benefit to both parties. If they are seen to be alive in the dream, he does not have much affection for them. In case he dreamed that the act took place during the Muslims sacred months, he would go to Mecca (Makkah) for the pilgrimage.
• Making love to one’s mother known to be dead in the dream: Will meet her if she is alive.
• Making love to one’s dead mother: The dreamer will die, because mother is synonym for earth.
• Having sex with one’s mother in her grave: Death.
• A traveller dreaming that he is making love to his mother: Will return to her from his journey.
• A poor man or a person whose mother is wealthy dreaming that he is having sex with her: (1) Will obtain all that he wishes from her. (2) She will die and he will inherit from her.
• A sick man dreaming of having sex with his mother: Will recover.
• Making love to one’s living mother: (1) Will be inimical to the father. (2) If the father is ill: The father will die and the son will look after his mother as a son and a husband. (3) If the son is hostile to his mother: She will show him love and affection. (4) The dreamer is good-natured, for nature is the mother of mankind. (5) If the son is involved in a feud over some property or a piece of land and is trying to purchase it: He will win. (6) If the son is a farmer or peasant: Bad omen, because he would be sowing the seeds in the dead earth where they would not grow.
• Making love to one’s mother without passion despite her responsiveness: The dreamer will leave the country by his own free will.
• Making love to one’s mother without passion, then being cold-shouldered: The dreamer will flee his home place.
• Making love to one’s mother while her face is turned away: (1) Bad dream, meaning that the mother’s countrymen will stop loving and even resent the dreamer. (2) The dreamer will be discredited in the eyes of his countrymen or colleagues. (3) The dreamer will not get whatever he is aiming for.
• Having sex with one’s mother while the dreamer is asleep: Sorrow and hard times are ahead.
• Having sex with one’s mother by introducing the penis between her thighs: Bad dream heralding acute poverty.
• Having sex with one’s mother, who is on top: The dreamer will die, especially if he is already ill, because the earth beneath which the body is buried is called “mother.”
• The same dream by a healthy person could mean that he will be well off throughout his lifetime.
• If, in the sex act, the mother was the operator: The dreamer’s children and money will turn sour, and he will become ill.
• Having sex with one’s little boy: The boy will be ill and some harm will befall the dreamer.
• Having sex with one’s little girl: Same interpretation.
• Having sex with one’s grown-up daughter: The girl will get married, and the father will generously furnish and equip her new home.
• Having sex with one’s daughter while she is married to another man: She will be separated from her husband and return to her father’s house.
• A poor man whose daughter is well off having the same dream means he will get great benefits from his girl.
• A poor man dreaming that he has sex with his young adopted child: Will send the boy to a teacher to seek knowledge.
• A rich man dreaming that he has sex with his young adopted child: Will donate plenty of things to the boy and will write a testament bequeathing all that he owns to the child.
• Having sex with one’s brother (or friend): Will become enemies and the dreamer will be harmed by the latter.
Dream interpreter Dream Explanation — In a dream, a dream interpreter represents happiness for a sad person and sorrow for a happy person. If one who desires to maintain secrecy around his life and goals sees a dream interpreter in his dream, it means that he will find an intimate friend or a confidant to complete his intention. If one is expecting news from an associate or if someone in a different land sees a dream interpreter in his dream, it means that he will receive the desired news. A dream interpreter in a dream also represents knowledge of sings, deciphering messages, analyzing substances, a tracer, a religious scholar, a lawyer, a good advisor, a compassionate friend, a judge or a physician. A dream interpreter in a dream also represents someone who does not keep a secret or someone who brings people both happy or sad news. In a dream, he is also a preacher, an advisor, one who balances things, a money changer, a garment cleaner, an undertaker, a barber, a comedian, a news broadcaster or someone who searches for people’s faults. Seeing oneself as a dream interpreter in a dream, and if one qualifies to sit on the bench, it means that he will become a judge. If he is seeking knowledge, he will acquire it. If he is seeking to become a physician, he will become one. Otherwise, he might become a money changer, a banker or any of the earlier mentioned trades. Telling a dream interpreted a dream in one’s dream, and if the explanation agrees with the common wisdom and religious norms of the Holy Quran and the traditions of Allah’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, then whatever one is told in his dream is true. If one does not understand the explanation of the dream interpreter in his dream, then he might need to find a qualified interpreter in wakefulness to satisfy his needs. (Also see Astrologer; Divination; Fortuneteller; Founder; Interpretation; Seer)
Piper Dream Explanation — (Jester; Music) In a dream, a piper represents someone who is longing for something, or who is anxious to say or do something, or he could denote vain talk. A wedding piper in a dream represents festivities. The court piper in a dream represents an army going to war. A piper in a dream also represents an Obituarist, an announcer of a murder, someone who exposes an adulterer, or one who uncovers a secret prostitution ring and exposes it leaders. A piper in a dream also may denote one’s anus. An unknown piper in a dream means suffering from a venereal disease. A piper in a dream also could represent a mourner, a good mother, or perhaps a bad mother who is bereaved of her child.
A Sword in a Broken Sheath Dream Explanation — If a person dreams that a sword is given to him in a broken sheath then the mother will die but his son will be saved.
The Broken Point of a Sword Dream Explanation — A perbond mother, paternal grandmother, maternal aunt or some lady equal in status to any of these will die.
Gherkins Dream Explanation — (Cucumber; Small pickle) Gherkins in a dream represent a son who looks like his father and mother and acts like them. (Also see Pickles; Preserves)
Khadija Dream Explanation — (Mother of the believers, wife of Allah’s prophet Muhammad upon whom be peace.) Seeing her in a dream means happiness in one’s life and a blessed progeny.
Underground granary Dream Explanation — (Granary; Pantry; Storage room; Subterranean storehouse) An underground grain storage house in a dream represents a caring mother, a single parent or a foster mother. This interpretation comes from the example of a fetus in his mother’s womb and its dependence on her to supply the necessary nourishment. Once the stored food is consumed, then it is necessary to depend on a new source. If one sees an underground granary demolished or filled with dirt in the dream, and if his mother is sick, it means that she may die from her illness. If one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will soon deliver her infant. A demolished underground granary in a dream means finding a buyer for one’s grains, and the dirt that fills the storehouse in the dream represents money. If the stored grain turns into dirt in a dream, it means that market prices will come down, or it could mean the loss of one’s investment. Seeing a granary filled with food in a dream means that one’s wife is pregnant. If a fire consumes the stored grain in a dream, it means rising prices. If one sees a granary filled with sugar or dates in a dream, it means that prices will stabilize and become attainable, while the type of food stored therein will be in limited supplies and consequently, its price will rise. If a sick person falls into an underground granary in a dream, it means his death, or drowning in the sea, or facing a highway robbery. As for one who is engaged in a fight, an underground granary in his dream represents a prison or a visit to a brothel.
Shrouding Dream Explanation — Shrouding the body of a deceased person in a dream is a cause of happiness for a sad person and repentance for a sinner. If someone sees himself brokering on behalf of a friend or a relative to purchase a shroud for him in a dream, it means that he will pay and intercede on behalf of someone who strayed from Allah’s path, whom one regularly admonishes and advises to correct his actions and thoughts. It also means helping him against poverty or adversities, because death is the culminating phase of practicing one’s religion in this world. A shroud in a dream also connotes a prison, or committing a major sin. Shrouding the dead after washing the body in a dream means washing it from impurities. (Also see Burial; Camphor; Disrobe; Mummification; Shroud)
Incident Dream Explanation — True dreams also can be seen by unbelievers. It is related that Pharaoh once saw in a dream a fire that had ignited in Syria. This fire kept on expanding until it reached Egypt, where it burned and destroyed every house and farm of the land. Pharaoh woke-up scared. He called every dream interpreter in the land and asked them to explain the meaning of his dream. One of the interpreters said: “If your dream is true, it means that a descendent from the family of Jacob will be born, who will bring about your destruction and that of Egypt. “Immediately, Pharaoh ordered his soldiers to kill every newborn in the land. Despite all of Pharaoh’s precautions, Moses was born in God’s protection and fulfilled God’s Will. God Almighty commanded the mother of Moses by inspiration: “Behold! We told to thy mother, by inspiration: ‘”Place the child into the chest, and throw the chest into the river. The river will cast him up to the bank, and he will be taken up by one who is an enemy to Me, and an enemy to him.”‘ (Qur’an 20:39)
Workhorse Dream Explanation — (Nag) A workhorse in a dream represents man’s endeavor and serious striving. The more fit a workhorse in a dream, the better is one’s determination and drive. If a workhorse speaks to a man in a dream, it means income and fame. Riding on the back of a workhorse in a dream means taking a long journey, or it could mean taking money from one’s wife. If a dog attacks a workhorse in a dream, it represents an enemy who will follow his wife. A blond workhorse in a dream means sad news. A workhorse in a dream also means a conflict, a foreigner, a wife, a husband or a servant. A gray workhorse in a dream represents a high rank, and a black workhorse means prosperity. (Also see Horse)
Bisexual Dream Explanation — A bisexual man seeing only his male genitals: (1) Will repent and become exclusively heterosexual. (2) Will divorce his wife or abandon his mother and some in-laws.
Eve Dream Explanation — (Mother of humankind, may Allah’s peace be with her.) In a dream, Eve represents prosperity, blessings, a good harvest, a good yield, progeny, profits from a business in textile, farming, smithcraft or similar industries. Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream means being demoted from a station and a place of honor to a lower rank to be raised again after repenting from one’s sin. Seeing Eve in a dream also indicates pitfalls, sins, being subject to jealousy and malicious fraud, or trouble with one’s neighbors. Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream also means hardships caused by one’s wife or children, consent for sexual intercourse, repentance or regret for one’s past. If a woman sees Eve in her dream, it means that she will create hardships for her husband because of her association with someone who is unsuitable for her friendship. It also means that a major adversity will befall her, since Eve was the first to experience female menstrual period and the pain of childbirth. It may also mean suffering from the burden of pregnancy, labor and the pangs of giving birth. Seeing Eve in a dream also could mean giving birth to both righteous as well as evil children. If the woman in the dream is separated from her husband, it may mean returning to her conjugal life or earning lawful income for her own needs. It also could mean that someone from her progeny may commit murder or die as a martyr. If a man sees Eve in a dream, it means that he may be deceived by a woman or that he hearkens exclusively to the advice of his wife, or if he follows a woman’s advice, it means that he will err and lose his leadership. If one sees Eve with her beautiful countenance in a dream, then she represents his mother, for Eve is the mother of humankind. Should he then be under the pangs of adversities, it means that he will be saved.
Glass Dream Explanation — (Clarity; Perception; Wisdom; Woman) In a dream, glass represents an early stage of a temporary anxiety, depression or stress. Such condition is less serious when glass is seen collected as broken chips in a container in a dream. Seeing through glass in a dream means uncovering something that is hidden. In a dream, all glassware, stained glass, engraved glass, or decorative glass of green, red or yellowish color represent a suspicious person, money earned from a suspicious source or suspicion about one’s wife, or even suspicion about one’s true children, or it could mean eavesdropping, affectation or hypocrisy. In a dream, any glass by-products represent people of knowledge, scholars, Gnostics, sages or people of wisdom. Buying a glittering glass ornament, or a house made of mother of pearl in a dream means choosing the pleasures of this world over the everlasting joy of the hereafter, or it could mean disdaining to obey Allah’s commands, or it could mean becoming an apostate. A drinking glass cup in a dream represents a woman. Receiving a glass of water in a dream means that one’s wife is pregnant. An unknown kind of glass cup or a roughly cut drinking glass of water in a dream means that there is a fetus in the mother’s womb. If the glass of water breaks and the water remains in the dream, it means that the mother may die after giving birth and the infant will survive. If the water spills and the glass remains intact in the dream, it means that the fetus may die and the mother will survive. The breaking of a glass in a dream also denotes the death of the one who is serving it. If a sick person is given a glass of wine, or water, or a bitter apple drink, or a laxative in a dream such a drink represents his last cup. (Also see Glass blower; Glass bottle)