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Mental hospital Dream Explanation — (Insane asylum; Hell-fire; Lunatics; Prison) In a dream, a mental hospital or an insane asylum represents a bathhouse, or a sauna which is the dwelling of evil spirits, the place of uncovering one’s private parts, or showing unpleasant conduct in public. A mental hospital in a dream also represents a training school, caring for children’s education, teaching children to behave themselves, a place of learning, a school, a playground, a place of clamor and noise, using vile words, stealing money, or separation from one’s family and children. If a deceased person is seen in a mental hospital in a dream, it means that he is dwelling in hell-fire, for a mental hospital sometime uses force with its patients and ties them up, or imprisons them. If one sees himself in a mental hospital in a dream, it means that he might go to jail for a crime he committed. Mixing with lunatics and insane people in a dream also means imprisonment and mixing with criminals, or it could mean falling sick, or dying from a terminal illness. If a poor person sees himself inside a mental hospital in a dream, it means financial success, receiving outside help, comfort and joy in his life. (Also see Insanity)
Mental derangement Dream Explanation — (Madness) Mental derangement in a dream means cognizance of evil people, or it could mean forgiveness of one’s sins.
Mental disorder Dream Explanation — (See Delirium; Distraction)
Mental keenness Dream Explanation — (See Perspicacity)
Insane asylum Dream Explanation — (See Mental hospital)
Lunatics Dream Explanation — (See Mental hospital)
Hell Dream Explanation — (arb.; Jahannam. See Hell-fire; Malik; Mental hospital)
Insanity Dream Explanation — (Craziness; Excitement; Madman; Mental derangement) In a dream, insanity or any of the above conditions represent prosperity, merit and prestige. Insanity in a dream also indicates desiring the world, festivities, or social fun for one who seeks such connections. If one acts irrationally as a consequence of something that affected his life in a dream, it denotes profits he earns from usury. Seeing oneself extremely happy and excited in a dream means entering paradise. In general, insanity represents profits equal to the degree of one’s irrational behavior in his dream. How mad is he in his dream may indicate how rich he will become. However, such profits will be spent in sinful ways and in the company of an evil companion. Insanity in a dream also can be interpreted as receiving an inheritance. The madness of one’s son in a dream represents the father’s benefits. The madness of a woman in a dream represents a good harvest for that year. Insanity in a dream is also interpreted as being madly in love. It also could signify suffering from harsh beating, or perhaps it could mean offering good deeds without anticipating any reward. (Also see Irrationality; Mental derangement; Mental hospital)
Derangement Dream Explanation — (See Mental derangement)
Madness Dream Explanation — (See Mental derangement)
Irrational behavior Dream Explanation — (See Insanity; Mental derangement)
Madman Dream Explanation — (See Insanity; Mental derangement)
Craziness Dream Explanation — (See Insanity; Irrationality; Mental derangement)
Attack Dream Explanation — (Charge against; Comeback) Charging against one’s enemy in a dream means victory in wakefulness, or it could mean disturbance, anxiety, concern, going through a mental conflict or having doubt, and it may mean regret, repentance and correcting the course of one’s actions and thoughts.
Officiant Dream Explanation — (Wedding) An officiant in a dream means a wedding, a divorce, or he could represent a pimp, depending on the mental condition, or the type of work one who is seeing the dream performs. (See Saddler)
Slippery surface Dream Explanation — Walking on a slippery surface, or tripping over a slippery surface may mean abolition of a wrongdoing one has committed in the past. It also means forgetfulness, distraction, slowing of mental keenness, or diversion from one’s pursuit of knowledge. (Also see Slip of a tongue)
Eating Fire Dream Explanation — Eating fire which has no flames means he will usurp what is due to orphan. But if such a fire does have flames he will be questioned regarding what is due to orphans. Moreover, people will speak ill of him causing him much agony and mental disturbance.
Perspicacity Dream Explanation — (Acumen; Astute; Discrimination; Physiognomy; Prophesying) If one finds himself capable of perceiving matters with astute sense, or to discriminate things with a clear mental keenness, or to even explain the future, or to prophesy, or to know what is hidden in a dream, it means that he will acquire all what is good, and that Allah Almighty will protect him so that no harm, or evil will ever touch him. Perspicacity in a dream also represents goodness and salvation.
Bug Dream Explanation — (Any small, blood sucking insect.) Seeing a bug in a dream means facing a weak enemy. If a small bug enters one’s body in a dream, it means that a poor person will visit him to receive some mental satisfaction or to solicit a small financial support. (Also see Flea)
Asylum Dream Explanation — The asylum, or mental institution, symbolizes frequent travel, asceticism, the heeding of God and reading of the Holy Quran, the stoppage of income, the end of wedlock, the abandoning of children, repentances, the return of religious faith, relief from worries, and sometimes diphtheria (the suffocation disease, to borrow the expression of Al-Nabulsi). It could also represent the bathroom, as madness was believed by the ancient Arabs to be associated with demons and because, like the bathroom, the mental institution is a place where people take off their clothes, show their private parts, and exhibit repulsive manners. For some interpreters, the madhouse refers to the school, because, there, the inpatients were educated by force, in ancient times, and taught to read and write and know the Quran. But the sanatorium also alludes to entertainment, playing, joking, and irresponsible behaviour in society or in people’s occupations, as is the case with psychopaths. A mentally disturbed person would not mind parting from his children.
• A dead person seen in a sanatorium: He is in Hell, as the madhouse “is the place of chains and shackles” (which have now been replaced by the straitjacket).
• Being in the asylum amid sick people: Will go to jail for some legal matters.
• Being in the asylum with the mad: Will be imprisoned with criminals.
• A person in good health dreaming of being in a sanatorium: Will be ill.
• A sick person dreaming of being in a madhouse: (1) Prolonged illness. (2) Will die estranged, abroad, or as a martyr. (3) For a poor person, it means that he will have enough welfare and prosperity to make him independent and no longer in need of anything from anyone.