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High Places Islamic dream Interpretations

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High tides Dream Explanation — (Ocean) In a dream, swimming in troubled waters or high tides means adversities, or having to face a strong opponent.

High prices Dream Explanation — (Cost of living) Seeing a winged loaf of bread flying in a dream means high prices. (Also see Bread)

Intoxication Dream Explanation — It symbolises wealth except that the person will spend it in an undesirable manner and in evil places.

Reading Dream Explanation — Reading the front page of a letter, a paper, or a book in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Reading the last page, or the back cover of a book in a dream means indebtedness. Reading a book in a dream also means receiving an inheritance. If one finds himself as a lettered person and if he reads well in his dream, it means that he will attain a high ranking job. If one sees himself reading his book of records in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. Reading a book in another language in a dream means travelling to such a country, or going to places one is not familiar with and performing a job that will earn him fame. If one sees himself reading a book in a foreign language and is unable to properly decipher its words in a dream, it means that he will escape from a potential danger he could face in such a land, or it could mean falling sick in a foreign country, then recovering from one’s illness before returning to one’s homeland. (Also see Language; Quranic recital; Reckoning)

Incident Dream Explanation — A man said to Shaikh Ahmad Al-Faroni: “I saw Prince so-and-so riding on a high horse in a stately form and people honoring him.” The Sheikh replied: “If your dream is true, he will soon be appointed at a high-ranking position.” Shortly after that, the prince was appointed to the pilgrims’ administration.

Cities, Towns and Village Dream Explanation — Cities, towns and Villages imply that the observer of such a dream will encounter unchaste women if such places are not of multiple colours. And if they are black and white then it suggests day and night – i.e., alternating of day and night and the passing of time.

Kohl Dream Explanation — (Eye makeup; Makeup) Kohl in a dream represents money and clarity. If one is given some powdered kohl in a dream, it means money. If a righteous and Allah-fearing person places kohl on someone’s eyes in a dream, it means blessings and guidance. Finding a container of kohl in a dream means receiving money. Smearing one’s eyes with kohl in a dream means becoming more religious. If a blind person smears his eyes with kohl in a dream, it means that he will miraculously recover his sight. If one smears his eyes with a silver-white powdered mixture or antimony in a dream, it means that he will have two wives. If one coats his eyelids with butter or lather in a dream, it means that he is pursuing an unlawful heterosexual, or a loathsome homosexual relationship. Beautifying children’s eyes with other than kohl or antimony in a dream means molesting them. If one uses kohl as medicine for his eyes in a dream, it means that he will correct his religious performance and commit his life to a allahly cause. If his intention is made to beautify himself with kohl in the dream, it means that he is seeking material success, or worldly promotion. If someone smears one’s eyes with kohl to the degree of blinding him in the dream, it means that he will defraud him of some money. If a virgin girl or a widow places kohl over her eyelids in a dream, it means her marriage. Coating or encrusting one’s eyes with blood or ashes in a dream means corruption and a non-acceptable marriage, or an illegal marriage. (Also see Makeup)

Cemetery Dream Explanation —Seeing a cemetery:  (1) Fear for a person who feels safe and vice versa.  (2) Prayers and aspirations.  (3) Repentance.  (4) A reference to the Hereafter, as a cemetery is the gateway to it; to the asylum; to asceticism; to weeping; to preaching; to death, since a cemetery is the house of death; and to atheist and heretic places or the dwelling of aliens in a Muslim country, since a cemetery houses the dead and death, according to the rules of interpretation, means religious corruption. Likewise, a cemetery could refer to those who indulge in luxury; brothels; bars where drunkards lie like the dead; the homes of those who fail to pray and remember God or do any good; and prison, for the dead is locked in his grave like the prisoner in his cell.

• Seeing a polytheistic cemetery:  (1) Worries, sorrow, fear, and unhappiness.  (2) Shaky religious faith.  (3) A reference to heretic places and solitary confinement.
• A sick person dreaming of entering a cemetery: Will die from his ailment and end up there, especially if he had built a house in it in the dream.
• Entering a cemetery with awe, crying and reading or reciting the Holy Book or praying in the direction of Mecca (Makkah): Will mix with benefactors, be well noted and versed in religion, and will benefit from all that he sees or hears.
• Entering a cemetery uncovered, laughing, urinating on the tombs, or walking with the dead: Will be involved with evil, debauched, and atheistic people and select one’s friends on this basis.

Walk Dream Explanation — • Walking on a mountaintop: Will rise so high that even kings will be under your command.
• Walking in the marketplace: A bequest is ahead, and the dreamer might obtain a share of it.
• Walking barefoot: For a man, relief and better morale. For a lady, catastrophe and divorce. Conversely, walking barefoot for a man could also mean trouble and weariness, divorce, or the death of his wife, unless he sees himself taking away his shoes or sandals to walk more freely. In the latter case, it means that he will get a high post or become a governor.
• Travelling barefoot: The dreamer will contract a debt he will not be able to settle.
• Walking with one shoe: The dreamer will split from his partner or spouse.

Snare Dream Explanation — (Catch; Hunt; Lure) In a dream, a snare means deception, duplicity and fraud. If one is captured or held with a snare in a dream, it means that he will be victimized. If one places a snare to catch an animal or a bird with it in a dream, it means that he earns his money through deception and fraud. (Also see Trap)

Tannery Dream Explanation — (Leather dying factory) A tannery in a dream has the same interpretation as that of a slaughterhouse. It also represents a school, a fellowship house, or similar places where the mind and spirit are taught and reared to correct oneself, to hold to what is true and to discard what is false. A tannery in a dream also represents a patient, forbearing and a hard-working woman, a housekeeper, or a child. Perhaps a tannery in a dream also could denote a harsh, wretched and a contemptible woman, though she likes cleanliness and guards herself from others impurities. (Also see Dye; Vat)

Ball Dream Explanation — (Baseball; Basketball; Cricket ball; Football; Glob; Golf ball; Handball; PingPong ball; Pushball; Snowball; Tennis ball; Volleyball) A ball in a dream signifies a dispute, an argument, a fight to control the world and its resources. Some will desire it and others will reject it. A ball in a dream also could signify travels or moving between places. Usually, a ball in a dream represents a man. If it is made from leather, then it represents a leader, a boss, or a scholar. Playing ball in a dream means a fight. (Also see Games)

Sulayman Dream Explanation — • Seeing the prophet and king Sulayman  (Solomon):  (1) Prestige and promotion till becoming a sultan, a king, a judge, a governor, or a scholar who gives legal counsel based on religious knowledge or jurisprudence, if eligible for such high honours. And the dreamer will be obeyed by both his friends and foes. The dream is more likely to come true if King Solomon placed his crown on the dreamer’s head, gave him his ring to wear, or allowed him to sit on his bed.  (2) If the dreamer is already a ruler or a chief, he will be removed, but only temporarily.  (3) The dreamer will marry a rich and prestigious woman through a ruse.  (4) The dreamer will experience hardships and sorrow from the women’s side.  (5) Money, welfare, and successful endeavours.  (6) The dreamer will travel frequently, go to distant places, and return quickly.  (7) The dreamer will be safe, as Sulayman comes from the Arabic Salama, which means “safety.” If the dreamer is ill, he will recover.  (8) The dreamer will be well off in the Hereafter.  (9) The dreamer will achieve windfall profits by dealing in birds, manufacturing bottles, and resorting to witchcraft, using the services of the jinn.  (10) The dreamer will lose a fortune and recover it after abandoning all hope.  (11) The dreamer will reverse an unfavourable situation and triumph over the enemy.  (12) Winds will always be favourable, especially if the dreamer is a sailor or is operating a windmill.  (13) God will shower his blessings on the dreamer, who will acquire knowledge and master languages.  (14) Possessing Solomon’s scepter means the dreamer will speak a lot about people, slander, and backbiting or will die, if ill.  (15) The dreamer will learn medicine.
• Seeing or owning Sulayman’s ring: The dreamer will receive a new mandate or own something spectacular.
• Seeing Sulayman at a pulpit or a rostrum or on a deathbed: A supreme authority, a prince, or a chief will die, and people will know about it only after some time.
• A woman seeing Solomon: She will cheat or outsmart her husband.

Exhibition Dream Explanation — (Display; Hearing; Honor guards; Inspection of troops; Military review; Portrayal; Presentation; Review officer; Show) If one sees himself standing before a high-ranking officer during a ceremony of reviewing the guards of honor or in a military barrack in a dream, and if the officer is displeased with him in the dream, it means that he will commit a major sin. If one thinks that the officer is pleased with him in the dream, then it implies Allah’s blessings. The high-ranking officer or the review officer in such a dream also represents a compassionate person who cares, and who frequently asks about his friends, helps them solve their problems, and assists them in every possible way. (Also see Hearing board; Inquisitional court)

Climbing a Mountain Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself climbing a mountain it means he will attain high positions.

A Woman with a Beard Dream Explanation — This may be a reference to her husband who will enjoy a good reputation as a result of his high standing in the community.

Ladder or Stairs Dream Explanation — Climbing a ladder or stairs symbolises the religion of Islam by virtue of which he will acquire high stations in the Hereafter.

Mountain Dream Explanation — The mountain suggests a harsh and heartless king, ruler, or chief, unless there is water and vegetation in it, in which case such a man is a devout, religious, and good one. It also refers to a huge or giant man commensurate with the size of the mountain. It could be as well an erudite or an ascetic person, or a reference to high grades, upper standards, and divine places. Whatever befalls the mountain, like its crumbling or burning out, et cetera, should apply to the king, chief, or scholar it alludes to. Likewise, mountains symbolize aims and quests.
• Standing on top of a mountain, relying on it, or sitting in its shadow: Will be close to a chief, such as a sultan, a learned man or a secluded scholar, and become his protege.
• Launching the athan, or call for prayers, from the mountaintop while facing the Qiblah  (the direction of Mecca (Makkah)) or throwing arrows from there: The dreamer will become famous as far as his voice or arrows reached, and his orders will be carried out in that range.
• Standing afraid on a mountain: Will be secure. For a person travelling by sea such a dream means that the ship will have to return or moor at the nearest port because of some technical trouble. But the dreamer will be safe. However, according to Ibn Siren, fleeing from a ship to seek refuge on a mountain means that the dreamer will perish, in view of the story of Noah’s son as related in the Quranic verses: “And it sailed with them amid waves like mountains, and Noah cried onto his son—and he was standing aloof—O my son! Come ride with us, and be not with the disbelievers. He said: I shall betake me to some mountain that will save me from the water.  (Noah) said: This day there is none that saveth from the commandment of Allah save him on whom He hath had mercy. And the wave came in between them, so he was among the drowned.”  (“Hud,” verses 42–43.)
• The same dream for someone who is not sailing and has nothing to do with the sea: Will deviate from the consensus, hold independent views, and come out with fantasies and heresies. It would be especially so if the dreamer was accompanied by wild mountain animals or if there was a judge, a scholar, or a just imam on the vessel he left.
• Climbing a mountain relates to something the dreamer is requesting. If he climbed without difficulty or on stairs and reached the top, demands will be met without problems. If on the contrary, the ascent was rough or he failed to reach the top or fell, the reverse would apply and he would have as many tragedies as limbs were broken, et cetera.
• Falling from a mountain, a roof, a tree, and the like: Separation from whomever such a high place symbolizes according to the code of dreams. The subject himself should be consulted by the interpreter to know what, in his view, the mountain or tree, et cetera, could refer to and what his aspirations are. It could also mean that the dreamer will fall down by committing sins or to where intriguers are lying in wait for him, especially if he had fallen on ferocious beasts, crows, snakes, rodents, or garbage. By contrast, falling on a mosque, in a garden, or where a prophet is present would be an excellent dream.
• A mountain taking off and hovering over people’s heads: The king will terrorize his subjects as, says Ibn Siren, this is what happened to the children of Israel when God lifted the mountain and let it glide over them to terrorize them or deter them from disobedience.
• Mountains exploding or being shattered: A harbinger of war and schisms in which flocks of people will perish, as this is one of the signs of the end of the world.
• Climbing on a mountain and drinking water from its springs: Will be given a province or a high post, if eligible, or achieve gains, if in business.
• Carrying a mountain and finding it too heavy: Will carry the belongings or look after the interest of a huge man or a giant of a man.

Grudge Dream Explanation — (Rancor; Hatred) In a dream, to see oneself having a grudge, of suffering from one means earning a high rank or becoming a governor.

Shark Dream Explanation — (Fish) A shark in a dream represents high spirit, or it could mean belonging to the upper class or to a noble lineage.

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Our Lord! Forgive us our sins as well as those of our brethren who proceeded us in faith and let not our hearts entertain any unworthy thoughts or feelings against [any of] those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness and Most Merciful (59:10)