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Dreams about Entering Bank Islamic Interpretations Explanation

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Bank draft Dream Explanation — (See Bill of exchange)

Entering Paradise Dream Explanation — If one sees himself entering the heavenly paradise in a dream, then his dream represents glad tidings that Allah willing, he shall enter it. If a pilgrim sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that his pilgrimage is accepted or that he will reach Allah’s House in Mecca. If he lacks faith in Allah Almighty, it means that he will become a believer. If a believer who is bed stricken sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will die of his illness. If a non-believer who is bed-stricken sees himself entering paradise in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If he is unwed, it means that he will get married. If he is poor, it means that he will become rich or receive an inheritance. If a sick person sees himself in the abode of the hereafter healthy again in a dream, it means that he will reach it free from the ills of this world, its adversities and temptations. If he is not sick, then entering the realms of the hereafter means glad tidings, business success, a pilgrimage, ascetic detachment from this world, sincere devotion, acquiring knowledge, strengthening of one’s kinship or exercising patience toward a calamity which derives from one’s own sins. If one sees himself entering the abode of the hereafter to visit and see around, and should he be a person of good deeds and character who is a capable person and who acts upon his knowledge, it means that he will be without work or suffer from business losses. If he is scared of something, or if he is accused of something, or if he is under stress, it means that his fears will dissipate. Mostly, entering the abode of the hereafter in a dream means travels or migration from one’s homeland. Thus, if one sees himself returning from a journey to the hereafter in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland. Entering paradise in a dream means a pilgrimage to Allah’s House in Mecca.

Entering a house Dream Explanation — If one sees himself entering someone else’s house in a dream, it means that he will defeat him, gain the upper hand in business over him or control his interests. To enter the house of the governor and to feel comfortable and at ease therein in a dream means that he is soliciting the governor’s assistance in a personal business. The coming of a just person to a house in a dream means blessings. If an unjust person enters a place in a dream, it means that evil and calamities will befall such a house. If it is customary for such a person to enter that place, then no harm will incur from his coming or going. If one sees himself entering a house of unfamiliar substance, ground or structure, and if he meets departed souls whom he recognizes in the dream, it means that he has entered the realms of the dead. If he sees himself going into that sphere, then coming out of it in the dream, it means that he will near his death, then recover from a serious illness. Entering the Sacred House in Mecca in a dream means entering one’s house as a newlywed. (Also see Marketplace)

Entering the Grave Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself being admitted or lowered in the grave it means he will be imprisoned. Or if a person sees himself being imprisoned in a place which is unknown to him and the people of such a place are also unknown to him, it means he will enter the grave.

Entering the Heavens Without Ascending Dream Explanation — If a person sees himself as entering the heavens without ascending, he will first gain honor and respect in this world and then die as a martyr.

Entering hell-fire Dream Explanation — In a dream, if one sees himself entering hell-fire, whether he is a believer or a non-believer, it means that he will suffer from fever, become poor, enter a prison, commit a major sin, or mix with disbelievers and reprobates.

A Cat Entering a House Dream Explanation — If a cat is seen entering a house it means a thief will enter that house. And if it is seen snatching something it means something will be stolen from his house.

Entering an Unknown House with the Dead Dream ExplanationEntering an unknown house in the company of a dead person means he will die soon and thus join the dead person.

A Slaughtered and Skinned Goat Entering the House Dream Explanation — If a person sees a slaughtered and skinned goat entering his house or any other place it means someone will die in that place.

A Dead Person Entering the Home of a Sick Person Dream Explanation — Either his sickness will prolong or he will die soon.

Bill of exchange Dream Explanation — (Bank draft; Commercial) If one sees himself paying someone a fee to write him a bill of exchange, or a bank draft in a dream, it means that he will borrow some money to do business and that he will profit from his investment to become known in his field. In a dream, if by mistake, one sends the bank draft to the wrong destination or to another country that produces the same type of products, in this case his dream means that he will lose his investment or recover his capital cost after some hardship.

Newlywed Dream ExplanationEntering the Sacred House in Mecca in a dream means entering one’s house as a newlywed.

Makkah Dream Explanation — Mecca (Makkah) symbolizes Islam, the Muslims  spiritual leader or the dreamer’s chief. Whatever happens to it—good or bad—will befall Islam or such a person.
• Being in Mecca (Makkah):  (1) Good religion, repentance, safety, and welfare.  (2) Will visit the Kabah.  (See Kabah.)  (3) Will be saved by God from tyrants.  (4) Will regain one’s freedom.  (5) Will be spoiled by the ruler and people will come to the dreamer to benefit from his knowledge or influence.  (6) Daughter, if beautiful, will be betrothed.
• Seeing a fertile Mecca (Makkah) flourishing: Welfare and good tidings. The reverse is also true.
• Being on the way to Mecca (Makkah): Will perform the Muslims  pilgrimage.
Entering Mecca (Makkah): No more fear.
Entering Mecca (Makkah) or belonging to Mecca (Makkah): An allusion to a beautiful girl or woman whose hand is solicited by too many people.
• A renegade or an atheist entering Mecca (Makkah): Will repent and embrace Islam.
• A bachelor entering Mecca (Makkah): Will be blessed with a bride.
• A person in dispute entering Mecca (Makkah): Will be defeated in the feud.
• Going to Mecca (Makkah) for the pilgrimage:  (1) It will be so in reality.  (2) If the dreamer is ill, the disease will last and the dreamer will die and perhaps go to Paradise.
• Going to Mecca (Makkah) strictly for business: The dreamer is an earthly creature.
• Being in a house in Mecca (Makkah) in which the dreamer stayed before: The renewal of a mandate.
• Being in Mecca (Makkah) with the dead: Will die as a martyr.
• Mecca (Makkah) becoming the dreamer’s house: Will become a resident of that holy city.
• Leaving Mecca (Makkah) behind one’s back: Will be separated from or quit one’s chief.
• Mecca (Makkah) destroyed: The dreamer doesn’t pray much.

Palace Dream Explanation — A palace in a dream represents a prison, tightness, shortage of cash, or loss of respect for an abominable and sinful person. If a rich person sees a palace in his dream, then it means rising in station, or repayment of his debts. Seeing a palace from a distance in a dream also means prosperity. A palace in a dream represents an unknown person, or a private person who maintains a steady religious life. Entering a palace in a dream means gaining authority, rising in station, and a growing religious adherence. If one sees himself managing his own palace in a dream, it means exaltation, power and reverence. If the palace he is managing in the dream belongs to someone else, then it means earnings from such a person. A palace in a dream also denotes good deeds. Entering a palace in a dream also means getting married. Entering a palace made of glass means a marriage that will not last. It is thus said that a palace in a dream can be interpreted in eight different ways that is blessings, money, leadership, rank, management, authority, attaining one’s goals and happiness. Residing in one of the palaces of paradise in a dream means leadership, victory, or marriage.

Hereafter Dream Explanation — (See Entering Paradise)

Castration Dream Explanation — If one intends to bank something with someone as a trust or to confide a secret with someone, then if he witnesses a case of castration in a dream, he should immediately halt that intention, or cancel such arrangement. If one sees himself castrated in his dream, it means that he declines to testifying to the truth. If one finds that he became castrated, or if he does so to himself in a dream, it means that he will be inflicted with humiliation and submission to someone’s command. If one meets a castrated person who is unknown to him and who has a dignified look and speaks words of wisdom in the dream, it means that he has met an angle who is conveying glad tidings or bringing a warning from his Lord. If he recognizes the castrated person in his dream, it means that he has met with an acquaintance of his. Seeing oneself castrated in a dream also means increase in one’s devotion and guarding of his chastity. Castration in a dream also means negation of favors, loss of one’s family or children, or it may imply absence of mannerism, choosing to satisfy one’s personal comfort over the interests of others, and it represents evil intent or hypocrisy. (Also see Impotence)

Incident Dream Explanation — True dreams also can be seen by unbelievers. It is related that Pharaoh once saw in a dream a fire that had ignited in Syria. This fire kept on expanding until it reached Egypt, where it burned and destroyed every house and farm of the land. Pharaoh woke-up scared. He called every dream interpreter in the land and asked them to explain the meaning of his dream. One of the interpreters said: “If your dream is true, it means that a descendent from the family of Jacob will be born, who will bring about your destruction and that of Egypt. “Immediately, Pharaoh ordered his soldiers to kill every newborn in the land. Despite all of Pharaoh’s precautions, Moses was born in God’s protection and fulfilled God’s Will. God Almighty commanded the mother of Moses by inspiration: “Behold! We told to thy mother, by inspiration: ‘”Place the child into the chest, and throw the chest into the river. The river will cast him up to the bank, and he will be taken up by one who is an enemy to Me, and an enemy to him.”‘ (Qur’an 20:39)

Allah’s House Dream Explanation — (See Entering Paradise; Kabah; Masjid; Mosque)

Station of Abraham Dream Explanation — (Maqam Ibrahim, arb.) One who stands at the Station of Abraham at the Sacred Mosque in Mecca and offers his prayers in a dream is a pious person who observes the divine laws and who may be invited to perform a pilgrimage. If a terrified person sees himself entering inside the Station of Abraham in a dream, it means that all his fears will be dispelled and that he will reach the abode of safety. Entering the station of Allah’s prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, in a dream also means receiving honors, seeking knowledge, or receiving an inheritance from one’s father or mother. Standing up or sitting at the Station of Abraham in a dream also may signify living by the divine laws until one’s soul returns to its Lord. (Also see Abraham)

Mecca Dream Explanation — (Holy Mecca; Imam) In a dream, the Holy Mecca represents the Imam of all the Muslims. Whatever happens to it in a dream will manifest in his life. The city of Mecca in a dream also could represent the spiritual and religious standing of the person seeing such a dream. If one sees himself living or owning a house in Mecca in a dream, it means honor and knowledge. If one sees himself living in Mecca in a dream, it also may mean that he will give his daughter in marriage to a noble person. Walking away from Mecca in a dream means separation from one’s superior. If one sees that Mecca is demolished in a dream, it means that he does not perform his prayers. Entering Mecca in a dream also could mean getting married to a girl everyone is hoping to marry. If a sinner sees himself entering the city of Mecca in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. If one has a dispute and sees himself entering Mecca in a dream, it means that he will lose his argument. Entering Mecca in a dream also means reaching safety and peace in one’s life. Leaving one’s homeland and travelling to Mecca in a dream means that Allah willing, he will shortly join the pilgrimage caravan and perform his Hajj. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that his illness will be long and that he may die from it, or he may join the company of the dwellers of the heavenly paradise. Seeing oneself in Mecca and residing in the lodge one usually uses in a dream means extension of one’s contract, or reappointment at a previously held position. If Mecca becomes one’s home in a dream, it means that he may move to live there. Seeing oneself in Mecca mixing with departed souls in a dream means that one will die as a martyr. Visiting the holy Kabah in Mecca during a business trip in a dream means concern and attachment to material gains and worldly profits. Walking on the road to Mecca in a dream means going on a pilgrimage. If one sees Mecca fertile in a dream, it means benefits, and if he sees it barren in a dream, it means the opposite. (Also see Circumambulation; Masjid; Visiting holy sites)


Our Lord! Forgive us our sins as well as those of our brethren who proceeded us in faith and let not our hearts entertain any unworthy thoughts or feelings against [any of] those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness and Most Merciful (59:10)