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Chapter 24 – Duas for protection from jealousy

Duas for protection from jealousy, ill-will and the non-human creatures

Dua # 1 – Sura Falaq (113) – Ayats 1 thru 5.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
113.1: Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn,
113.2: From the evil of what He has created,
113.3: And from the evil of the utterly dark night when it comes,
113.4: And from the evil of those who blow on knots,
113.5: And from the evil of the envious when he envies

Dua # 2 – Sura Nas (114) – Ayats 1 thru 6.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
114.1: Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of men,
114.2: The King of men,
114.3: The God of men,
114.4: From the evil of the whisperings of the slinking (Shaitan),
114.5: Who whispers into the hearts of men,
114.6: From among the jinn and the men.

Our Lord! Forgive us our sins as well as those of our brethren who proceeded us in faith and let not our hearts entertain any unworthy thoughts or feelings against [any of] those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness and Most Merciful (59:10)