Abortion dream interpretations Water jug Dream Explanation In a dream, a water jug means travels, or it could represent a woman who becomes pregnant then have a miscarriage or abortion. The water represents the fetus and the jug represents the mother’s womb.
Lesbianism Dream Explanation A woman dreaming that she has a pair of testicles: Might bear twins. A lady eating another womans flesh: Will have a lesbian experience with her or each of them will try to overpower the other physically or otherwise. A woman having sex with another: Will confide her secrets and share the views and acts of her homosexual partner. If she does not know her lesbian mate, she will do something wrong. A woman who has a man of her own dreaming that another female has engaged her in sexual intercourse: Will part from that man, become a widow, and as the days go by share secrets with her lesbian sex partner. A woman dreaming that she has turned into a man: Good luck and benefit from her husband. Seeing ones wife with a beard: She will never become pregnant. If she already has a boy, the latter will prevail over his family.
A woman dreaming that she is disguised, looks like, or behaves like a man: Good or bad fortune and fear, depending on the condition of her clothes. A woman dreaming that she has a penis (or a beard):
- (1) If married, she will divorce.
- (2) More power for whoever is supporting her.
- (3) She is dominating her husband and retaliates to any reproach on his part, especially if in the dream she is dressed like a man.
- (4) If pregnant, she will give birth to a male child.
- (5) If she is not pregnant but already has a boy, the latter will become the master of his folk.
- (6) If she is neither pregnant nor the mother of a boy, she will never have children in view of her masculinity.
- (7) It could also indicate that she is a lesbian who uses her clitoris as men do their phallus in making love to the opposite sex.
- (8) If she is not a lesbian, is not married, and has never conceived, she will get married. A pregnant woman introducing her penis in her anus: Will have an abortion.
Blood Dream Explanation Spilt blood symbolizes disease or rather a plague, an epidemic. A small quantity of blood, as in an expectoration, refers to the household or those members of the family living under the dreamers roof and other relatives (in some cases, those amongst them who are squandering the dreamers money). It also means evil that will ultimately be driven away. Vomiting blood is a sign that the dreamer will repent after committing a sin or holding undue money and that he will discharge whatever he had been entrusted with. Blood also represents the dreamers life, power, money, lord, sponsor, helpers, or clothes that cover his body and make him look decent or earn him peoples praise. It could also symbolize his semen, which weakens him every time it comes out. Likewise, it could refer to illicit gains or to whoever has eaten up money that was not his.
Excessive bleeding or a haemorrhage means that support and assistance will be impeded or stalled on the part of the father, the son, or the partner or that the dreamer will sell some of his indispensable clothes or be separated from a beloved one (wife, et cetera). It could also mean troubles and unhappiness. Blood refers as well to the persons good or bad genie that runs in him like the bloodstream. When seen in a jar or any container, blood represents menstruation. The cover of that jar or whatever is used to stuff its aperture is the cotton or hygienic towel. In some cases, blood symbolizes what could not happen to a human being unless dead, like red blood from a patient turning blue or yellow. Splashing in blood: The dreamer is being financed and is dealing with dirty money or is indulging in a major sin. Seeing blood on ones clothes: Somebody is lying to the dreamer. Seeing ones shirt stained with blood of unknown origin or without having felt it coming: The dreamer is being lied to without knowing it or suspecting anything. The shirt stained with the blood of a cat: A thief is lying to the dreamer. The shirt stained with lion blood: An unjust and wanton chief or ruler is lying to the dreamer. The shirt stained with ram blood: An honest, rich, and almost invincible man is lying to the dreamer, after which the latter will obtain as much illicit money as there was blood. Blood oozing out of the skin: (1) Health and safety. (2) Will return home safe and sound from a journey.
Seeing blood coming out of ones body and looking at the wounds: (1) Will be healthy and wealthy. (2) Will return safe and sound from a journey to find joy, happiness, and welfare. However, it must be pointed out that if the blood coming out from the persons body was superfluous or unwanted, the dream would augur well, unlike dreams with excessive bleeding or haemorrhage. Drinking ones own blood: (1) Worries and hardships. (2) Will settle a debt by contracting another one. (3) Victory over the enemy. Drinking someone elses blood: (1) Money and benefits. (2) Will be safe from all intrigues and hardships. (3) Will refrain from a sin. Falling in a blood well: Will be unfortunately involved in a crime or plagued with illicit money. Seeing a sea of blood at ones place or shop: The dreamers blood will be shed there. Blood coming out of the dreamers body without there being any bleeding or bloodletting, cupping, or wound of any kind: (1) If he is rich, money will come out of the dreamers pocket, as much as there was blood. (2) If he is poor, he will have as many benefits as there was blood. Falling in a vat or large vessel, a jar, or a pit full of blood: Excitement. The blood of a woman having her menses: (1) For a single woman: A husband. (2) For a pregnant woman: Abortion. (3) For a woman having given up all hope of having her menses: Disease. Blood springing out of the rectum: (1) Will refrain from a sin. (2) If getting stained with it: Will pay a bribe or something unclean. (3) Haemorrhoids.
Penis Dream Explanation Basically, the word for penis in Arabic is thakar, a homonym of male. It is almost an homonym of thikr as well, meaning reputation. Those are major considerations in interpreting dreams involving the penis. Therefore, the penis refers to the persons reputation among people; a male child or children; well-being; money; the life span, honour and prestige; or anyone who exerts efforts to ensure other peoples comfort and safety, such as the father, the son who honours his parents name, the attentive boy, the good partner or the messenger. It also alludes to the horse or camel, et cetera.
It could refer as well to the bucket or watering can and to any being the dreamer has sex with. For the farmer, the penis symbolizes his plow, and reaping hook; for the carpenter his perforator; for the blacksmith his pair of bellows; for the litter his assay scales; for the butcher his knife; for the writer; the pen that he puts in the ink pot; for the soldier his arrow or spear; for the ship-owner or sailor his mast or pole; and so on and so forth. Sometimes it even refers to the weeping eye or the one-eyed. Most significant as well is the penis symbolizing the animals that roams at night and seek refuge in their burrows. The dreamers erect penis having become longer, bigger, and more beautiful, in a way as to make him proud of it: The dreamer will have plenty of children and wealth, and his wife and whoever is in charge of gating his land, if any, will enjoy good health. It also means that he will be better off or will recover in case he is ill, that his troubles and worries will go away, and that he will overcome his enemies by using his power and influence, for the simple reason that erection usually occurs only when the person lives and eats well, is satisfied, and is enjoying peace of mind. Paradoxically, seeing ones penis longer than usual: Worries and deep trouble are on the way.
Seeing a pen coming out of ones penis: The dreamer will have a son who will be versed in all disciplines (because the pen serves to register and preserve all kinds of knowledge). Having lost ones penis and regretting it: Something will affect the dreamers son. (1) If he is a ruler or governor, he will be deposed. (2) If ill, he will pass away. (3) He will be lost. (4) He will travel and no news will come of him. The penis having been cut: The dreamer will die, his son will die, he will no longer have male children, he will lose his money, or he will stay away from his country for a long time, during which his folk will forget him. Severing or eating someone elses penis: The dreamer will sever relations with that person. Biting someone elses penis: The dreamer likes or loves that man and speaks very highly of him. Someone playing with the dreamers penis: Joy and prosperity. An intellectual dreaming that he is playing with his penis: Distraction and passion will dominate his mind. Seeing another penis or harmless herbs growing out of ones penis: Children, benefits, and general welfare. If the herbs were harmful it would be otherwise. The penis appearing like a tree with many branches: The dreamer will be prolific. The penis splitting into three: (1) The dreamer will die. (2) The dreamer will have three sons.
Having two penises instead of one: The dreamer will be blessed with two sons. Having two penises, one on top of the other: If the dreamer is a profligate, he will sodomize his two sons. Finding someone elses penis in your hand: The dreamer will obtain one thousand of something, depending on his social or financial standard. Seeing ones penis having been cut and put on ones ear: The dreamer will have a daughter who will never get married or will give birth to an illegitimate child.
The penis having been cut off in the vagina of the dreamers pregnant wife: (1) She will have a miscarriage, or the child will die. (2) The water will be cut off from the dreamers garden, if any. A hot loaf of bread coming out of the penis: Poverty is ahead. Seeing ones testicles having been cut, though the penis is still there: The dreamer will have no more daughters. A woman dreaming that she has a penis (or a beard): (1) If married, she will divorce. (2) More power for whoever is supporting her. (3) She is rebelling against the husbands authority, dominating him, retaliating for any reproach on his part, especially if in the dream she is dressed like a man. (4) If pregnant, she will give birth to a male child. (5) If she is not pregnant but already has a boy, the latter will become the master of his folk. (6) If neither pregnant nor the mother of a boy, she will never have children, in view of her masculinity. (7) It could also indicate that she is a lesbian who uses her clitoris like men do their phallus in making love to the opposite sex. (8) If she is not a lesbian, is not married, and has never conceived, she will get married. A pregnant woman introducing her penis in her anus: She will have an abortion or a miscarriage. A man introducing his penis in his anus: He will live long. The penis having retreated into the body:
The dreamer will conceal a testimony. The dreamer removing his penis or part thereof with his hand and replacing it: (1) One of his sons will die and another will be born. (2) Lost money will be retrieved. (3) The dreamer will regain his reputation or fame. Being busy doing something good or bad in the midst of a crowd, naked, the penis erect, and feeling no shame: (1) Aspirations will be fulfilled. (2) Hardships are over and the dreamer will get what he wanted badly. (3) Social status will improve. (4) Triumph over enemies. (5) If the penis is hard and undistorted, the dreamer will struggle harder till he recovers his lost prestige. (6) If his penis had stretched and widened till surpassing his head or going to bed with him like a sex partner, he will become well-known and highly respected in his country and his work will be appreciated. He will also enjoy all sensual pleasures. The longer cock means more money; its bigger size is excellence in the dreamers craft or profession and more energy and power. (7) If the penis had reached his chest: The dreamer will persevere further. (8) Touching the erect penis creeping under ones clothes: The dreamer himself and his children will become famous and highly appreciated. Seeing ones penis having become weak: (1) The dreamers son will become ill. (2) Success and fame are about to cease. (3) Numbness, torpor, and poverty insomuch as the penis appeared weak. Bending to ones own penis and sucking it: The dreamer will bow to his son and do all that the latter wishes to the extent of being subdued by him. Sucking the penis of a human being or an animal: The sucker will live in the shadow of the person in question or be remembered for something that has to do with the animal that appeared in the dream. Being circumcised: Improved religious faith, for in general the circumcised penis symbolizes the arrow of Jesus (sic). A non circumcised penis: The tailors spool. Seeing a prepuce (foreskin) around ones penis: The dreamer is indulging in luxury in a way inconsistent with the teachings and the Tradition of the Muslims Holy Prophet. A knot on ones penis: Life will get harder no more easy going, people will laugh or scoff at the dreamers son, or he will not marry. The urethra, orifice (or hole) of the penis s urinary tract: (1) A reference to the parents and to children, because of the sperm that it ejaculates, which is the direct cause of fathering children. (2) A reference to brothers, sisters, and other relatives. (3) A reference to women, because of the libido. (4) A reference to mans physical fitness. (5) A reference to the dreamers assets because, like them, it expands and shrinks or gets empty and full, alternatively. (6) A reference to logic and literature.
Kissing the penis s aperture (hole): (1) The sons recovery from a disease or better health. (2) The dreamers children will return from abroad, and he will be able to see them and kiss them. (3) In case the dreamer is childless, he will have children. Seeing plenty of hair in the aperture of ones penis: The dreamer is profligate, shameless, extravagant, and immersed in debauchery. Feeding the orifice of ones penis: The dreamer will have an awful death.
Seeing hair growing on the fathers penis: The father is nearing death. Ones penis turning into a vulva (female sex organ): The dreamers mettle and power will weaken, or he will become impotent. A womans vulva turning into a phallus while the dreamers penis is in it: Her character will change and if she remains so, it means she will always be the dominating, rebellious, and obscene type. The penis turning into iron, copper, or any precious metal: The dreamer will lose interest in life, have no more children, and perhaps lose his tranquillity, because such an alteration is of no use whatsoever.
Seeing ones penis blackened and hanging slackly: The dreamer is not faring well. Seeing wounds or sores on ones penis: People are saying obscene things about the dreamer. A snake swallowing the dreamers penis: His wife has committed adultery. A snake coming out of the penis s aperture: The dreamer will have a boy. A snake going out of the penis, then in, then out again: The dreamer will be disappointed by that organ. A snake coming out of the dreamers nose, breast, back or penis: The dreamer will have a male child who might grow up to become an enemy. Drinking water through ones penis: The dreamer is a concupiscent and libidinous man. Hitting somebody or something with ones penis: The dreamer will make love.
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