Specialties of the Most Beautiful Names From Tohfatul Hashmiyah Book – 99 Names of Allahu Azawajal, Meaning & their Recital BenefitsAnd Allah’s are the best names, therefore call on Him thereby…[1]
Recite it in the morning and late afternoon and the last 1/3rd part of the night 66 times without “Yaa” (O’). It would enable you to achieve your aim.
Their specialty is that they obtain divine grace if recited after the obligatory prayers 100 times.
Recite it 64 times; its specialty is continuation of power of one who is regular in it.
Its specialty is that if it is recited in assembly/company 170 times, the inner self will be purified of impurities.
In it is cure of diseases and safety from calamities and if recited on the sick 100 times, he will be cured.
If it is recited 136 times it will give protection from the Satans among Jinn or men.
Its mention 125 times will earn purity of the soul and he will be informed of realities.
Its mention 94 times after the Morning Prayer everyday would reveal the secrets of Ilme Simia[2] and Alchemy and one who recites it for 40 days, everyday 40 times, will not be needful of anyone.
One who recites it 21 times everyday will be safe from all oppressions.
One who mentions it in the presence of an oppressor will be able to humble him.
Allah will illuminate the heart of one who recites this in excess.
One who recites it much will not be punished in the grave till wetness remains in it.
If a barren woman recites it thirteen times and writes it in a bowl and drinks its water, she will be blessed with a righteous male child.
One who recites this at the time of Friday Prayer 100 times saying: “O Allah forgive me O forgiving one”, Allah would forgive him.
For one who recites it in excess, Allah would remove from his heart the love of the world. One who recites at the last part of a moonlit night: يَا قَاهِرُ يَا قَهَّارُ يَا ذَا الْبَطْشِ الشَّدِيْدِ اَنْتَ الَّذِىْ لاَ يُطَاقُ انْتِقَامَهُ. yaa qaahiru yaa qahhaaru yaa dhal bat’shish shadeedi antal ladhi laa yut’aaqun tiqaamah. “O forceful, O powerful. O One with a severe might You are the One whose retaliation none could bear.” Then he blows it to the enemy, Allah would subject him to defeat.
One who recites it in prostration 14 times, Allah would make him self-sufficient and one who performs it at the end of the night with a bare head and raised hands 100 times, Allah would remove his poverty and fulfill his need and one who mentions frequently: اَلْكَرِيْمُ الْوَهَّابُ ذِىْ الطَّوْلِ. al kareemul wahhaabu dhit’t’ool. “The Kind, the Giver with generosity.” Allah would give him from whence he least expects.
One who recites it, would be given a lot of sustenance.
One who recites it 70 times after the Morning Prayer keeping his hands on his chest; Allah would remove the veil from his heart and from its specialty is that Allah would open divine recognition on the heart of one who recites it.
One who recites it regularly when one is having an important matter, Allah would fulfill his need. The same is for “Al-H’afeez’ul H’akeemu’ (The Protector, the wise).
One who writes it 40 times on 40 morsels (of bread) for 40 days and eats them, Allah would secure him against hunger and prolong his life.
One who recites it at dawn with raised hands 10 times will not be needful of anyone in anything.
One who recites it 100 times after prayer will achieve knowledge of hidden things.
One who recites it 70 times, Allah would remove from him the evil of the unjust.
One who recites it after the noon prayer 100 times, Allah would exalt his status.
One who recites it would be bestowed with awe.
One who recites it in the darkness of the night while prostrating on bare ground 1000 times and says: يَا مُذِلُّ الْجَبَّارِيْنَ وَ مُبِيْرُ الظَّالِمِيْنَ اِنَّ فُلاَنًا اَذِلَّنِىْ فَخُذْ لِىْ حَقِّىْ. yaa mudhillul jabbaareena wa mubeeruz’z’aalimeena inna fulaanan adhillani fakhudh lee h’aqqi. “O humiliator of the oppressors and the deflector of the unjust, indeed so and so had insulted me. Then take for me my right from him.” Allah would secure his right immediately. Also one who recites 55 times in prostration: إلٰهِى آمِنِّي مِنْ فُلاَن Ilaahee aaminnee min fulaan. “O my god, give me security from so and so”. Then Allah would give him security.
One who recites it frequently shall have his supplications accepted.
One who recites it much on Friday; Allah would make bestowal and grace special with him.
One who wants ease soon should recite it in times of difficulties.
One should continue this recitation after remaining awake and hungry for knowing the secrets of the unseen and after that say: اِهْدِنِىْ يَا هٰدِىْ وَ اَخْبِرنِىْ ياَ قَدِيْرُ وَ بَيِّنَ لِىْ يَا مُبِيْنُ ihdinee yaa haadi wakhbirni yaa khabeer wa bayyin lee yaa mubeen. “Guide me, O Guide and inform me, O Informed One and describe to me O Manifest One!” Same is for reciting: اَلنُّوْرُالْهَادِىْ “Al-Nooru Al-Haadiu”. “The Light, the Guide.”
None mentions it during fear but that he is secured.
One who writes it, washes it and sprinkles its water on the crop, it will grow up luxuriantly.
One who mentions it in excess; the satanic whisperings will go away from him.
One who recites it 40 times on water and washes sore eyes, they shall be cured.
One who recites it in excess and wears it, would become popular among the people.
One who recites it the number of times equal to its numerical value in seclusion and does penance and prays after it, will have his supplications accepted.
One who recites it the number of times equal to its numerical value will not be harmed even it he walks among the beasts of the earth and he shall be safe from drowning. It is soon accepted for those in fear during journeys. None recites it but is given security.
One who recites the following for seven weeks – Beginning on Thursday and reciting 70 times everyday, will get sufficient livelihood and would be given release from what he fears: حَسْبِىَ اللهُ الْحَسِيْبُ. h’asbi allaahul h’aseebu. “Allah is sufficient for me a reckoner.”
One recites it in excess his, awe and dignity will affect all those who see him.
One who recites it before going to sleep Allah shall order the angels to pray for him and tell him: Allah has given you safety.
One who recites it, shall be safe.
One who recites it in excess, would be given increase in his sustenance.
One who recites it 1000 times on food and feeds it to two opponents, there would be reconciliation between them.
One who recites it at bedtime 100 times and passes his hand over his chest, Allah would enliven his inside and illuminate his heart.
One who writes it in four corners of a paper and writes the name of the lost thing in the center and opens it under the sky in the middle of the night and looks at it reciting these two names 70 times, would get information regarding it from the unseen.
One who makes it a habit to recite it, will be safe from fire and drowning.
One who has an enemy whom one cannot subdue, should take 1000 hazelnuts and recite on each “Ya-Qawiyyu” and feed them to the birds. He shall be safe from the evil of his enemy.
One who stands in the corners of his house in the middle of the night and repeats them 70 times and says: يَا مُعِيْدُ رَدَّ عَلىَّ فُلاَنٌ yaa Mu’eedu radda a’layya fulaanun. “O Returner, return to me so and so”. Then in a week news shall be received of the lost one or he shall be found. Then glory be to the One Who returns His secrets by His names.
One whose self is disobedient should keep his hand on his chest and recite these words at bedtime. His self shall become obedient.
One who recites it on the ailing person or one with sore eyes 19 times and says: “O Living O Eternal.” It is more effective if recited at the end of the night in excess.
One who recites in excess will achieve the purification of the heart and one who engraves: “Al-H’ayyul Qayyumu” on the finger ring, Allah would keep his memory alive if he is nameless or unknown. He shall also be given security if he is fearful.
One who recites it on food will find effulgence in his self.
Recite it in seclusion to achieve effulgence (noor).
One who recites it in seclusion 1000 times after penance will see angels around him.
One who recites it, will never encounter the pain of hunger.
One who recites it in excess at the time of performing ablution will have control on his anger.
If one having a child recites it in excess, the child would be safe and sound till he reaches maturity.
One who recites it in excess, Allah would accept his repentance.
One who mentions it in the presence of an oppressor, the oppressor will submit to him.
One who writes on a loaf of bread after Friday Prayer and eats it, would be imbued with angelic qualities.
Allah protects the children of one who recites it much.
Allah would make him needless in the world and the Hereafter, one who recites it in excess.
One who recites the two words for 10 Fridays and 10,000 times every Friday no wild beast would harm him. Allah would make him needless sooner or later. If he recites with it Surah Hamd in the same way, Allah would give him needlessness.
One who recites the words in excess: يَا مُعْطِيَ السَّائِلِيْنَ yaa mu-t’ias saaileen. “O Bestower to those who ask.” Allah would make him needless of asking.
Allah would repay the debts of one who recites it at bedtime.
Allah appoints an internal and external light for one who recites it 1000 times.
Allah gives divine recognition to one who recites it in excess.
One who recites it 1000 times will have his needs fulfilled.
Allah would guide to righteousness one who recites it 1000 times.
Allah shall give patience in difficulties to one who recites it 1000 times.
[1] Al- Balad al-Amin, Ash-Shaykh Kafa’mi, Pg. 714-771 [2] as-Simia: It deals with the ways of combining the will-power with particular physical and material forces for manipulating the natural order and, thus, producing extraordinary effects. Under this head comes the manipulation of thought, also known as the eye-enchantment. |