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Dreams about Akbar Islamic Interpretations Explanation

what was your dream about.. Islamic dreams about Akbar find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Akbar dictionary!   Akbar dream interpretations   Pray Dream Explanation — Muslims are duty-bound to pray five times a day: at dawn, at noon, early in the afternoon, at sunset, and at night. Certain devout Muslims perform additional prayers, according to the Tradition of the Holy Prophet. Others pray more on a voluntary basis. In any cases, dreaming of performing any such prayers means promotion, the settlement of debts, and the fulfilment of a promise based on confidence.
• Performing the dawn prayer: The dreamer is embarking on a matter that will improve his livelihood and raise his living standard.
• Performing the noon prayer joyfully on a clear day: Endeavours will be successful inasmuch as the sky looked clear. The reverse is also true.
• Performing the afternoon prayer: Whatever the dreamer is busy doing will soon come to a successful conclusion.
• Performing the noon prayer in the afternoon: The dreamer will settle his dues.
• Dreaming that one of the above two prayers was interrupted: The dreamer will settle half his debts or pay only one half of the dowry.
• Performing the early afternoon prayer:  (1) The dreamer will swear.  (2) Whatever the dreamer is seeking will be achieved, but not without difficulty  (as, in Arabic, the words Asr, early afternoon, and Asr, difficulty, resemble each other). In case the dreamer missed that prayer, nothing at all would be achieved.
• Performing the sunset prayer:  (1) The dreamer is discharging his responsibilities toward his children.  (2) The dreamer will part from father, mother, or sponsor.
• Performing the sunset prayer after the sun has set: What the dreamer is seeking is already over or has been accomplished or completed. If he concludes that prayer in the dream, the matter he has in mind will be settled as desired.
• Performing the evening prayer:  (1) The dreamer is trying his best to satisfy his children and make them happy.  (2) Life is over, as the evening prayer is the last thing the Muslim does before going to sleep, which resembles death.  (3) Weakening eyesight, again for etymological reasons relating to Arabic.
• Prostrating twice during the noon, afternoon, or evening prayer: The dreamer will travel. The same dream made by a woman will mean that she will have her menses the same day.
• Praying while seated, without an excuse: Whatever the dreamer is doing will not be accepted.
• Praying while lying on one’s side: The dreamer will be terrorized.
• Dreaming that the imam is leading the prayers while seated on a horse, et cetera, and the faithful are also mounted: A war will be won, if one is being fought.
• Praying in a garden: The dreamer is seeking forgiveness from the Almighty.
• Praying in a cultivated land: God will enable the dreamer to settle his dues from the crops produced by that land.
• Praying without a carpet: Will sodomize a boy.
• Praying in the part of the bathroom reserved for slaughtering sheep: The dreamer will sodomize a young boy.
• Praying in an area that pigeons use as a disposal place for their excrement: The dreamer will indulge in vice and perhaps sodomize a young boy.
• Missing one of the five compulsory prayers and failing to find a place to perform it: Difficulties are ahead in fulfilling one’s aspirations.
• Ignoring one of the five compulsory prayers: The dreamer is not heeding the rules of God.
• Praying amid people lining up in a perfect manner: Those people are often using their rosaries and recalling God.
• Praying without prostrating oneself till the prayer time is over: The dreamer is not paying his dues as a Muslim  (the zakat).
• Praying and eating honey: The dreamer will have sex with his wife while he is fasting.
• Sitting and attesting that there is no other god but God and that Muhammad is His messenger: Worries will be over and whatever the dreamer is striving for will be achieved.
• Completing the prayer and saluting by turning the head right, then left: No more worries. If the head is turned only to the right side, only part of the dreamer’s problems will be settled.
• Dreaming of having completed one’s prayer and asked God for forgiveness while turning one’s face toward the Qiblah  (in the direction of Mecca (Makkah)): Prayers will be answered. If the dreamer faced a direction other than the Qiblah, he would commit a sin and die without repenting.
• Dreaming of praying while turning toward the Kabah  (in Mecca (Makkah)): The dreamer is practicing religion in a sound manner.
• Dreaming while headed west in a country other than those situated east of Mecca (Makkah): The dreamer belongs to a mean sect and is singular in his effrontery while committing sins because, says Ibn Siren, that is the direction Jews turn to when they pray. And they are the ones who dared fish on a Saturday.
• Turning east while praying in a country other than those located west of Mecca (Makkah): The dreamer is a heretic and indulging in all sorts of sins because, according to Ibn Siren again, such is the direction of the Christians.
• Praying while turning one’s back to Mecca (Makkah): The dreamer is renouncing Islam by committing abominations.
• Praying without Qiblah or a specific direction: The dreamer is at a loss.
• Praying while turning in a direction other than that of Mecca (Makkah), but wearing white clothes and reading the Quran properly: Will perform hajj  (pilgrimage).
• A person eligible to become a ruler but who is not an imam dreaming that he is leading the prayers: The dreamer will become a ruler. If he completes the service, he will be a fair ruler. If, on the contrary, there is something missing, changed, or extra in the prayer, he will be a tyrant. The same dream could mean that the dreamer will become poor and be harmed by thieves.
• Leading the prayers standing up, while the worshipers are seated:  (1) The dreamer would be fair and just to his subject, but not to himself.  (2) He will take care of sick subjects.
• Leading the prayers seated, while the worshipers are standing: The dreamer will not fulfil a matter he will be entrusted with.
• Leading the prayers with some people standing up and others sitting: The dreamer will take care of both the poor and the rich.
• Leading the prayers seated, while the worshipers are also sitting: Those people will sustain financial losses or fines, will have their clothes burnt, or will become poor.
• Leading a prayer service for women: The dreamer is looking after the affairs of weak people.
• Leading the prayers on one’s side or lying on a bed and wearing white clothes, without reading anything or saying that God is great: The dreamer will die and people will hold a prayer service for him.
• A woman dreaming that she is leading the prayers: She will die because, says Ibn Siren, a woman takes precedence over men only in death.
• The ruler dreaming that he is leading the prayers: He will be deposed and his money will go.
• Leading a prayer service for both men and women:  (1) The dreamer will be a judge of people, if eligible.  (2) The dreamer will mediate and reconcile people.
• Having completed a prayer service: The dreamer will complete his mandate as a ruler.
• The prayer service being interrupted: Mandate will be interrupted and orders and advice will not be carried out or observed.
• Praying alone while others pray individually: Those other people are renegades or apostates.
• People making the dreamer their imam: Inheritance in view of a verse to this effect in the Holy Quran: “And We wished to be gracious to those who were being depressed on Earth, to make them leaders [in faith] and make them heirs …”  (“Al-Qasas” [The Requital or The Law of Equality], verse 5.)
• Asking God for forgiveness: The dreamer will make honest and blessed gains and have children.
• Completing one’s prayer without asking God for forgiveness: The dreamer is a hypocrite.
• A healthy person performing the special prayer for the sick: The dreamer will no longer be lucky but become reticent in whatever he says or does.
• Praying on an uncovered land without carpet or anything:  (1) The dreamer will sodomize people and sleep with women during their menses, especially if the land is soiled or dusty.  (2) The dreamer will be humiliated as a result of poverty and need.
• Praying without covering one’s pudenum or private parts: The dreamer will commit abominations while fasting, give alms in an unholy manner, or will yield to heresy and sins while thinking that he is right.
• Speaking or chatting while praying: The dreamer will go back on what he has granted, alms he has given, or a secret he has decided on or promised to keep.
• Praying on a Friday: The dreamer will embark on a fruitful journey.
• Performing the collective prayer on a Friday:  (1) Everything will, once again, be in order, and relief will come after having experienced some hard times.  (2) The dreamer is mistaken about a matter that he thinks is good for him.
• People performing their Friday prayers at the mosque while the dreamer remains at home, in his shop, or in his village, hearing everything: The ruler will be deposed.
• Having prayed and left the mosque: Benefits and general welfare.
• Performing the special prayer for dispelling fears: Complicated partnership, quandary, and agony of a patient. However, such a dream could have an opposite interpretation, namely harmony, consensus, and the dissipation of fear.
• Performing the taraweeh, additional prayers after the evening one during the month of Ramadan: Toiling, the settlement of debts, and wisdom.
• Performing the rain-seeking prayers: Fear, belt-tightening, high prices, stagnation, and anger and sorrow caused by crops or property matters.
• Performing the prayers relating to the eclipse of the sun or the moon:  (1) Endeavours to ensure comfort to whomever the sun or moon symbolizes.  (2) Repentance of a corrupt individual.  (3) Conversion to Islam.  (4) Hardships and fears brought about by kings and ministers.  (5) A miracle.
• Performing the funeral ceremony prayer: The dreamer will pray for or intercede in favour of whomever the dead person refers to. In case the dead is unknown, the dream will mean:  (1) Fruitful partnership.  (2) Shortcomings on the part of the dreamer in the compulsory prayers, such as forgetting to stand up or kneel when required, et cetera.
• Performing the special prayer for a dead person: The dreamer is praying for the repose of his soul and asking God to obliterate his sins. In case the dreamer sees himself as the imam  (the one leading the prayers), he will be given influence by a corrupt and hypocritical king. If he stands behind the imam, he will attend a special ceremony to commemorate the deceased.
• Praying before a tomb: The dreamer is making unwarranted gifts, including artifacts.
• A woman dreaming that she is being told, “Ask for forgiveness for your sin”: She will be accused of a sin and an abomination, in view of the story of Zulaikha, the wife of Egypt’s strongman Fitfir  (Potiphar), who had tried to entice the Prophet Yusuf.
• Dreaming of marvelling at God: Worries will disappear by miracle.
• Forgetting how to use the rosary to glorify God: The dreamer will go to jail.
• Saying: “There is no god but God”:  (1) Relief will come.  (2) Will be honoured with martyrdom.
• Saying, “Allahu Akbar” or “God is greater”  (than anything): Aspirations will be fulfilled and the dreamer will triumph over foes.
• Thanking God:  (1) If a ruler, the dreamer will seize a prosperous country or province.  (2) The dreamer will be blessed with religious enlightenment and guidance.  (3) The dreamer will have a son.


Salam brother and sisters in islam, i am ten years old and i start learning my religion (islam) from the Quran and Hadiths.Please pray for me for this dunya and hereafter.