Birth Dream Explanation — See Childbirth.
• A male child born to a man: Big calamity is ahead.
• A female child born to a man: Benefits.
The Left Testicle Dream Explanation — The left testicle means a son will be born to him. If the left one is ripped or missing, it means no sons will be born to him.
Spear Dream Explanation — if other weapons are seen together with a spear it symbolises power and superiority and that his instructions will be carried out. If no other weapons are seen with a spear then provided the spear has a point, a son or brother will be born in his home. And if it has no point then provided he is familiar with such a spear, only daughters will be born in his home. Seeing any excellence or defect in such a spear represents a similar excellence or defect in him.
Incident Dream Explanation — Aboo Ammaarah Attayyaan (RA) reported to us that he revealed a dream of his to Ibn Sirin (RA) that it was as if he had seen a separ or lance in his hand. The Imaam asked whether he had seen the point of the lance or not. He said no. Upon this he said: “Had you seen the point, a son would have been born to you. But now you will have female issues only.” He pondered for a moment, then said: “ In all, twelve daughters will be born to you”. (After many years) it is reported from Ibn Yahya that when he revealed the above incident to Abul Waleed (RA) the latter laughed saying: “I am the son of one of them. I have eleven maternal aunts and Aboo Ammaarah Attayyaan was my grandfather. May Allah shower His blessings upon him and us and all the Muslims.”
Receiving a Lamb as a Gift Dream Explanation — A child will be born to him.
A Gold Coin without any Imprint Dream Explanation — If this seen in his dream a son will be born in his house.
A Newborn Baby Boy Dream Explanation — (Baby) It suggests grief and harships for the one to whome a boy isborn.
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Giving the Dead Roti, Bread or a Ring Dream Explanation — It means a son will be born to him and he will die, or if he is wealthy he will lose his wealth.
Delivering a Male Issue Dream Explanation — If a son is born to hi, it means he will soon be faced with difficulties, hardships and anxiety. The same applies to buying a male slave.
Teeth in the Pocket Dream Explanation — Pocketing the teeth or wrapping them in cloth or seeing them falling into the hand or keeping them in the house-any of these is a harbinger of a child, brother or sister being born. If may also mean his deriving some benefit from one of them.
Delivering a Female Issue Dream Explanation — If a person sees a daughter born to him it means he will soon find relief from his difficulties and he will receive plentiful sustenance. The same applies to purchasing a female slave.
Incident Dream Explanation — True dreams also can be seen by unbelievers. It is related that Pharaoh once saw in a dream a fire that had ignited in Syria. This fire kept on expanding until it reached Egypt, where it burned and destroyed every house and farm of the land. Pharaoh woke-up scared. He called every dream interpreter in the land and asked them to explain the meaning of his dream. One of the interpreters said: “If your dream is true, it means that a descendent from the family of Jacob will be born, who will bring about your destruction and that of Egypt. “Immediately, Pharaoh ordered his soldiers to kill every newborn in the land. Despite all of Pharaoh’s precautions, Moses was born in God’s protection and fulfilled God’s Will. God Almighty commanded the mother of Moses by inspiration: “Behold! We told to thy mother, by inspiration: ‘”Place the child into the chest, and throw the chest into the river. The river will cast him up to the bank, and he will be taken up by one who is an enemy to Me, and an enemy to him.”‘ (Qur’an 20:39)
The Male Generative Organ (penis) Dream Explanation — If cut it means either he or his son will die. If he sees more than one it means the same number of children will be born to him.
A Bow and Arrow Dream Explanation — A bow with an arrow about to be shot (but not shot) symbolises power and strength; or a son or brother will be born to him.
Shaping an Arrow Dream Explanation — It symbolises honour and superiority. Or the birth of a brother or son. Or marriage which will be a means of a son being born to him.
Sheeth Dream Explanation — Sheeth was the son of Adam, also called Hebatullah, or Gift of God, because he wasborn after the death of Abel. Dreaming of seeing Sheeth means one will have money, assets, and children and lead a pleasant life.
Mule Dream Explanation — A mule symbolises a person who has no ancestral nobility yet possesses great physical strength and is of a temperamental disposition. Such a person may be a slave, shepherd or a person born out of wedlock.
A Woman Acquiring a Spinning Wheel Dream Explanation — If a woman dreams that she has acquired a spinning wheel, if she is expecting, she will give birth to a girl. Otherwise a sister will be born, if such a spinning wheel has a spindle or rod, it means she will get her daughter married.
Receiving an Unsheathed Sword Dream Explanation — if a person sees himself as receiving an unsheathed (naked) sword and he lifts it above his head but does not strike with it, it means he will wield such power as will make him popular; or he will father a very beautiful girl. Regarding the above dream only Imaam Kirmani (RA) says that a son or brother will be born in the home of the dreamer.
The Moon of the First Night of the Lunar Month Dream Explanation — If a person sees the crescent of the first night of the lunar month, but in reality it is not the first day of the lunar month, one of the following interpretations could be given : (a) he will been entrusted with someduty pertaining to governing of the land or country, (9) a child will beborn in his home,(c) a missing person will return, (d) some new event will occur.