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Makkah Exhibition

1.Trappings of the Grand Mosque 3 – stalactites stone Shumaisi exist above the entrances to the campus one dating back to the tenth century bending AH


Trappings of the Grand Mosque 2 – Corniche Shumaisi of stone dating back to the tenth century were installed in the corridors of the campus


Trappings of the Grand Mosque 1 – decoration of stone Shumaisi were installed in the corridors of the Grand Mosque inscribed basmalah Wall Almaumat dating back to the twelfth century AH

The doors of the Prophet’s Mosque – section of the Prophet’s Mosque dating back to the reign of King Abdulaziz Al-Saud, may God have mercy on him


The doors of the Grand Mosque 2 – wooden door from the doors of the Grand Mosque dating to the early fourth century AH


The doors of the Grand Mosque 1 – brass section of the Grand Mosque, dating back to the first building Arabia


The door of the mosque of Prophet pulpit – the door of the pulpit Ottoman mosque of Prophet who ordered commissioned Sultan Murad III in 989 AH


The door of the Kaaba – a form of decoration distinct Islamic used in the door of the Kaaba


Rings installed Kiswah – rings of copper to install the covering of the Kaaba of the Saudi era


Reel well of Zamzam – pulley to lift the water of Zamzam, dating back to the fourteenth century AH addition to the buckets of copper historian in 1299 was present in the well of Zamzam


Part of the exhibition


Maqam Ibrahim – the cabin, which was covering the shrine of Abraham replaced by the era of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd bin Abdulaziz, may God have mercy on him


Lamp – lamp bulbs from Saudi Arabia, which was a stone Ismail peace be upon him


Kabah supervising columns – column its base and crown Kabah supervising columns dating back to the building Abdullah bin Zubair sacred Kaaba in 65 AH


Kaaba column base – a stone base bearing column was in the Kaaba pervert history of architecture Abdullah bin Zubair year 65 AH


Interior Kaaba curtain – a piece of the Saudi Interior curtain-green color of the sacred Kaaba


Gateway exhibition

Gate of the Two Holy Mosques Exhibition Building


Curtain of internal Kaaba 2 – Interior Indian curtain of red color supervisor of the Kaaba, which is their manufacture King Abdulaziz God’s mercy


Curtain door of the Kaaba – curtain door of the Kaaba


Covering of the Kaaba 2 – piece of the covering of the Kaaba called Kandil the text of the inscription written Praise be to Allah


Blessings of the Kaaba – handed the Kaaba wood Alsak historian in 1240 AH


Black Stone – the black stone of the era of the Ottoman Sultan Murad Khan frame


1 covering of the Kaaba – a piece of external cladding Arabia


Our Lord! Forgive us our sins as well as those of our brethren who proceeded us in faith and let not our hearts entertain any unworthy thoughts or feelings against [any of] those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness and Most Merciful (59:10)